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A Woman about women and love - (Pringy, Jeanne-Michelle de): L'Amour à la mode, satyre historique.

veuve Coignard, Paris, 1695.

circa 16 x 10 cm., Engraved frontispiece, title in red and black, 10 ff., 190 pp., 1 blank leaf. Contemporary full calf First edition of this satire by Jeanne-Michelle de Pringy (1660-1709; born: Jeanne-Michelle Hamonin de Maranville). The French Wikipedia sums up her favourite topics: "Son sujet de prédilection est l'amour-propre chez les femmes. Elle s?est donc donnée la tâche de le peindre sous ses différents aspects et nuances".

120.00 EUR

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Antiquariat Thomas Rezek

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Fine and with the original label - Chateaubriand, (Francois René): De la Monarchie selon la charte.

Le Normant, Paris, 1816.

circa 22 x 13,6 cm., 206 pp.. Original wrapper with the printed label to the spine Querard II, 152. One of several editions in 1816 that were seized and destroyed as there political position angered Louis XVIII. The title here still calls the author "Ministre d'Etat" which was removed from subsequent editions as Chateaubriand (1768-1848) lost his position due to the opinions expressed. He favoured a constitutional monarchy with liberal as well as conservative elements. In his memoirs later on he (mehr anzeigen)

120.00 EUR

Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Thomas Rezek

Versandkosten: 5.00 EUR

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Nerval, Gerard de: Les Illumines. Recits et portraits.

Victor Lecou, Paris, 1852.

8°., Portrait, VII, 554 pp., 1 Bl.. Elegant half-calf with gilt spine (around 1920; original yellow wrapper bound in at front and back) First edition as a book of several smaller text that were previously published in magazines. Contains: Le Roi de Bicêtre (Raoul Spifame) - Histoire de l'Abbé du Buquoy - Les Confidences de Nicolas (Rétif de la Bretonne) - Jacques Cazotte - Cagliostro etc.

120.00 EUR

Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Thomas Rezek

Versandkosten: 5.00 EUR

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Vaudeville, Songs, with revolutionary calendar: Les roses du Vaudeville, ou le chansonnier du jour.

Chaignieau for Pillor, Paris, 1805.

circa 13,5 x 9 cm., Engraved frontispiece, 7 ff., 162 pp.. Contemporary marbled boards Uncommon collection of mostly amourous songs and a revolutionary calendar at the beginning (Vendemiaire, Brumaire etc). The pretty frontispiece shows a temple of the muses and the busts of Colle, Piis, Barre and Pannard being crowned.

120.00 EUR

Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Thomas Rezek

Versandkosten: 5.00 EUR

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Corneille, Thomas: Laodice reyne de Cappadoce, tragedie.

Suivant la Copie imprimée à Paris, Paris (?), 1669.

circa 13,5 x 7,8 cm., Engraved title, 2 ff., 62 pp., with small vignettes in woodcut. Half-cloth around 1900 Early edition of this drama by Thomas (1625-1709), the younger brother of the more famous Pierre Corneille. With a nice engraving. The Laodice was first published in 1668.

98.00 EUR

Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Thomas Rezek

Versandkosten: 5.00 EUR

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Prachteinband, Klassizismus, Madame Elisabeth de Bourbon - Froussard: Vita di Elisabetta di Borbone, principessa di Francia.

Giuseppe Giusti, Lucca, 1830.

circa 23 x 15,3 cm., Lith. Portrait, 192 pp., 1 lith. Facsimile-Tafel, 2 Vignetten auf dem Titel und im Text. Schwarzes Leder d. Zt. mit reicher Rücken-, Deckel-, Steh- und Innenkantenvergoldung, türkise Prägepapier-Vorsätze Italienische Ausgabe der Biographie von Madame Elisabeth Philippine Marie Helene de Bourbon (1764-1794), der jüngsten Schwester von Ludwig XVI, die kurz nach seiner Hinrichtung ebenfalls guillotiniert wurde. - Hier ein besonders eleganter Einband in geprägtem schwarzem (mehr anzeigen)

80.00 EUR

Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Thomas Rezek

Versandkosten: 5.00 EUR

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Mac Orlan, Pierre: Eloge de Gus Bofa.

Manuel Bruker, Paris, 1949.

circa 33 x 25 cm., 24 leaves with 9 illustrations of which 7 full page. Original softcover One of only 200 copies (here nr. 25).

145.00 EUR

Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Thomas Rezek

Versandkosten: 5.00 EUR

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Corneille, Thomas: Darius, Tragedie.

Suivant la Copie imprimée à Paris, Paris (?), 1662.

circa 13,5 x 7,8 cm., Engraved title, 4 ff., 73 pp., with several small vignettes in woodcut. Half-cloth around 1900 Early edition of this drama by Thomas (1625-1709), the younger brother of the more famous Pierre Corneille. With a nice engraving and some curious woodcuts the last of which at the end looks like a dog who relieves himself on a violin. Darius was first published in 1659.

98.00 EUR

Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Thomas Rezek

Versandkosten: 5.00 EUR

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Lieferzeit: 1 - 5 Werktage.

Belgium, Belgique, French Revolution: Hommages dus à ceux qui ont présentement illustré les Fastes Belgiques.

, No place, 1790.

circa 19,8 x 12 cm., 2 leaves and 1 enraved plate. folded Anonymous text and one plate showing a monument. - "Les hommes, que les Belges doivent aujourd hui transmettre à leurs descendans, ne sont point les vainqueurs des nations; mais ils sont les libérateurs de leurs concitoyens?".

88.00 EUR

Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Thomas Rezek

Versandkosten: 5.00 EUR

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Lieferzeit: 1 - 5 Werktage.

Satire, ridiculous characteristics of various nations - Gazon-Dourxigné, S. M. M: Essai historique et philosophique sur les principaux ridicules des differentes nations. Suivi de quelques poesies diverses. 2 parts in 1 volume.

Rey, Amsterdam, 1766.

8°, circa 16,8 x 10,3 cm., 2 ff., 152, 80 pp.. Contemporary mottled calf with richly gilt spine Apparently the first and only edition of this curious work by the satirist Sébastien-Marie-Mathurin Gazon-Dourxigné (1720-1784) from Quimper in the Bretagne. He discusses in which way several peoples like the Jews, Arabs, Chinese, Germans, English etc. behave silly or cherish ridiculous opinions and convictions. While the essays give an interesting panorama of typical prejudices against various (mehr anzeigen)

75.00 EUR

Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Thomas Rezek

Versandkosten: 5.00 EUR

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Lieferzeit: 1 - 5 Werktage.

Französisch, Prachtband aus Schloss Weyhern, Lotzbeck - Wailly, Alfred de: Nouveau vocabulaire français, ou l'on a suivi l'orthographe adoptée pur la prochaine édition du dictionnaire de l'académie. 14e édition.

Rémont, Paris, 1827.

circa 22 x 14 cm., 2 Bll., 958 SS.. Geflammtes Leder d. Zt. mit Rückenvergoldung und marmorierten Vorsätzen Umfangreiches Französisch-Wörterbuch, der Votitel ist vom Verleger Rémont signiert. - Schönes Exemplar mit gestochenem Exlibris "Freiherrlich von Lotzbeck'sche Familien-Fideicommiss-Bibliothek auf Schloss Weyhern" auf dem vorderen Spiegel.

80.00 EUR

Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Thomas Rezek

Versandkosten: 5.00 EUR

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Erotica, Mademoiselle de Bonneval - (Gervaise de Latouche, Jean Charles): Memoires de Mademoiselle de Bonneval ecrits par M***.

Ganneur, Paris, 1738.

8°, circa 16,5 x 9,8 cm., Title in red, 150 pp.. Contemporary marbled boards Cf. Gay III, 138 and Barbier 4296 (Amsterdam edition of the same year). One of several editions in the same year of this curious erotic novel. The author indirectly admits in the preface that he chose the name of his heroine to attract attention, probably because of the memoirs of Claude Alexandre Bonneval that came out the same year. The present novel has otherwise nothing to do with Turkey but is mostly situated in (mehr anzeigen)

90.00 EUR

Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Thomas Rezek

Versandkosten: 5.00 EUR

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Love letters - (Bernard, Catherine or Jacques Pradon): Le Commerce Galant, ou Lettres tendres et galantes, de la jeune Iris, et de Timandre.

Antoine Perisse, Lyon, 1696.

circa 15,3 x 9,3 cm., 287 pp., 8 ff.. Contemporary full calf Novel in letters between two lovers. The title says "première edition" but there is an earlier edition from 1682. It seems not quite clear who the real author is, attributions name either Catherine Bernard (1662-1712) or Nicolas Pradon (1632-1698).

100.00 EUR

Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Thomas Rezek

Versandkosten: 5.00 EUR

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Magny, (Claude D.) de: Archives nobiliaires universelles. Bulletin du college archeologique et heraldique de France. 2 parts in 1 volume.

College Heraldique, Paris, 1843.

4°, circa 28,3 x 20 cm., 272 (recte 296); 104 pp., 6 plates in colour-lithography. Contemporary full calf gilt and decorated, marbled endpapers One of the major works of Magny, the founder of the " Collège Héraldique". The beautiful plates in bright colours show coats of arms, medals, decorations, costumes etc..

65.00 EUR

Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Thomas Rezek

Versandkosten: 5.00 EUR

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(Riccoboni, Marie-Jeanne Laboras de Mezieres): Lettres D'de Milady Juliette Catesby a Milady Henriette Camply, son amie. Nouvelle edition.

aux depens de la Compagnie, Amsterdam, 1759.

8°, circa 17,3 x 11,3 cm., 174 pp., 1 blank f.. Contemporary simply blue wrapper Early probably second edition in the year of the first. The very successful novel by the actress Madame Riccoboni (1714-1792) portrays the typical life of two ladies in the mid 18th century.

68.00 EUR

Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Thomas Rezek

Versandkosten: 5.00 EUR

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Montpellier, 40 biographies - Des Genettes, (Rene-Nicolas Dufriche, baron Desgenettes): Eloges des academiciens de Montpellier, recueillis, abreges et publies... Pour servir a l' histoire des Sciences dans le dix-huitieme siecle.

Bossange et Masson, Paris, 1811.

circa 21,5 x 14 cm., VIII, 300 pp.. Contemporary marbled wrapper with printed label to spine Documentation of 40 eminent scientists in Montpellier, dedicated to the comte Daru by the editor baron Desgenettes (1762-1837). Apparently there was a variant published the same year with a slightly different title and an extra portrait of Denon (not present here).

60.00 EUR

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Antiquariat Thomas Rezek

Versandkosten: 5.00 EUR

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Paris, Boulevards, 46 etchings - Martial, Adolphe-P: Les Boulevards de Paris.

Imprimerie de Baillet, Paris, 1877.

circa 44,4 x 33,5 (binding)., 46 etchings (11,3 x 16,2 to 14,3 x 24,3 cm) mounted on large leaves of heavy paper. Contemporary brown Morocco with richly gilt spine, covers and fore-edges, gilt arms on both covers (binding by Gelz-Niedrée) Bénézit VIII, 446 (see A.M. Potement). Rare suite of etchings by Adolphe Théodore Jules Martial Potémont (1828-1883), who had studied with Léon Cogniet and Brissot de Warville. Originally only 20 views were published with texts by Saulnat and others. We (mehr anzeigen)

1800.00 EUR

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Antiquariat Thomas Rezek

Versandkosten: 5.00 EUR

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Henri IV. - (Conti, Louise Marguerite Princesse de Lorraine): Histoire des amours de Henry IV. Avec diverses lettres escrites a ses Maistresses, et autres pieces curieuses.

chez Jean Sambyx" (Francois Foppens), Leiden, 1665.

circa 13 x 7,8 cm., 142, 46 pp.,. Red half-calf around 1900 History of king Henry IV., with a separate section that gives anecdotes from his life and times entitled: "Recueil de quelques belles actions et paroles mémorables du Roy Henry le Grand".

90.00 EUR

Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Thomas Rezek

Versandkosten: 5.00 EUR

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Lieferzeit: 1 - 5 Werktage.

Prevost, (Antoine François) abbé: Histoire d'une Grecque moderne. 2 parts in 2 volumes.

Jean Catuffe, Amsterdam, 1741.

8°., 4 ff., 232 pp.; 2 ff., 244. Old wrappers Novel with a similar plot to the more famous "Manon Lescaut", nice Amsterdam edition, titles in red and black with a small engraved vignette.

100.00 EUR

Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Thomas Rezek

Versandkosten: 5.00 EUR

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Lieferzeit: 1 - 5 Werktage.

Französische Revolution, Vandamme in Lahr: Differenzien zwischen dem französischen Divisions-General Vandamme und dem Fürstl.

, Ohne Ort, 1816.

Naßau-Usingischen Rath und Ober-Amtmann Langsdorf zu Lahr zu Anfang des Jahrs 1798, nebst angehängter kurzen Erzählung der nachher erfolgten Begebenheiten und Veränderungen, die sich mit Beiden zugetragen haben, bis zu Ende des Jahrs 1815.. 8°., 18 SS.. Ganz unbeschnittener Bogen mit einem Beiblatt Lahr war 1798 zum zweitenmal von den Franzosen besetzt. Der General Dominique Vandamme (1770-1830) unterstellte dem Amtmann Johann Gottlieb Langsdorf (1747-1827), dass er gegen die Franzosen (mehr anzeigen)

90.00 EUR

Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Thomas Rezek

Versandkosten: 5.00 EUR

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Lieferzeit: 1 - 5 Werktage.