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Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Meindl & Sulzmann OG
Michael Meindl
Kochgasse 32
1080 Wien
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DHL Paket / Paket, Einschreiben
5 - 10 Werktage
Report of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries relative to the Salmon Fisheries of Alaska. July 5, 1892.. 4°. 1) Mit 36 Tafeln. IV, 88 SS.- 2) Mit 9 Tafeln. 51 SS. Bibl.-Ldr. mit goldgepr. Rsch. (Deckel gestempelt, stark beschabt u. bestoßen, Ecken und Kanten mit Läsuren).
1) Contents: "A reconnaissance of the streams and lakes of western Montana and northwestern Wyoming, by Barton W. Evermann. Missouri river basin. Annotated list of fishes obtained in Montana and Wyoming. Results of stocking the waters of Yellowstone National Park with fish. Notes on mammals noticed in Montana and Wyoming. Annotated list of reptiles and batrachians collected. Preservation of forests in and about Yellowstone Park. A report upon investigations made in Texas in 1891, by Barton W. Evermann. Notes on Texan fishes, with descriptions of new species. List of crustacea collected".- 2) Contents: "Report on the Salmon Fisheries of Alaska. Statistics of the Fisheries. Present condition of the Fisheries. Apparatus and methods of the Fisheries. Species of Salmon of economic value. A national Salmon park. Life history of the Salmon, by Tarleton H. Bean. Bibliography of the Salmonidae of Alaska and adjacent regions".