750.00 EUR zzgl. 15.00 EUR Versand
Preis inkl. Versand:
765.00 EUR
Alle Preisangaben inkl. USt
Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Michael Steinbach
Michael Steinbach
Freyung 6/4/6
1010 Wien
Ja (Weitere Details)
Paket International / Paket International
8 - 14 Werktage
30 : 21 cm. With many illustrations and one signed and numbered drawing by Dominik Steiger, loose inserted. 4 volumes.
Extremly rare journal published only in 250 copies. - Number 1 with text and illustrations by Christian Ludwig Attersee, Konrad Bayer, Günter Brus, Arnulf Rainer, Dieter Roth, four drawings by Dieter Roth have been published for the first time here in facsimile. - Number 2 with text and illustrations by Oswald Wiener, Diete Roth, Walter Pichler, Dominik Steiger, Rainer & Roth. - Number 3 with text and illustrations by Günter Brus "Sonate Nr. 2 Erdfurchtsonate" and Hermann Nitsch 'Nerventriumph' - Number 4 with text and illustrations by Dieter Roth, Robert Walser, Hans Peter Bühler, Urs Lüthi, Dominik Steiger, A. Rainer & D. Roth. With first time publication in facsimile of texts by Urs Lüthi. The illustrations on the cover by Dominik Steiger. For more details see Peter Weibel: Der freie Fluss der Laute und Zeichen. Zu Dominik Steigers biometrischen Texten und wilden Zeichnungen.