
VIII, 263 S. Hardcover.


Schutzumschlag leicht berieben und mit leichten Verschmutzungen, sonst ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar ohne Anstreichungen. Good copy with rubbed and slightly soiled dust jacket. - Contents Acknowledgments Introduction: Apocalypse and Its Shadows PART I. WORLD WAR I 1. Between Apocalypse and Enlightenment: Benjamin, Bloch, and Modern German- Jewish Messianism 2. The Inverted Nationalism of Hugo Ball?s Critique of the German Intelligentsia PART II. 1946-1947 3. Heidegger?s ?Letter on Humanism? as Text and Event 4. The German as Pariah: Karl Jaspers?s The Question of German Guilt 5. The Cunning of Unreason: Mimesis and the Construction of Anti-Semitism in Horkheimer and Adorno?s Dialectic of Enlightenment Conclusion Notes Index. ISBN 0520207440