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Verkauf durch:
Fundus-Online GbR
Daniel Borkert/Gilbert Schwarz/Urban Zerfaß
Kurfürstenstr. 14
10785 Berlin
Ja (Weitere Details)
Büchersendung / 1 Buch / book
1 - 3 Werktage
(8 pages) single pages, stapled
Good condition, folded in the middle. - information service of the slovak lutheran church, evangelical church of exech brethren, reformed christian church in slova silesian lutheran church, czechoslovak church, orthodox church, unity of czech brethren, moravian church, methodist church baptist union of czechoslovakia, published monthly in english and in german. published by the foreign an and information department of the ecumenical council of churches in czechos vakia: chairman: dr. j. l. hromadka, secretary: j. n. ondra, editor: dušan ?apek, associate editors: dr. gabris and dr. st. turnský, editorial and administration offices at jungmannova 8, praha 1, telephone 233-250, 233. / LO, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS We enter the new year 1966 after the Advent and Christmas preparat ion. We still feel the distinct and wholesome pulse of the inner life of our churches which was manifested in the large gatherings at Christmas, even if we have to admit that not everywhere the true joy of the new hearing of the Word was the impulse of those gatherings. And we cannot penetrate the future lying ahead of us. But it is in moments of this kind that we need and receive from our faith the strength for hope. The word about the time of God (kairos) in which we are contemporary with Christ becomes intelligible for us. "It is Christ who says to us: "Lo, I am with you always, unto the end of the world" (Matth 28, 20). And in Christ the love of God comes to us, to our world. We are not afraid of the future. But we do not remain idle. Two witnesses of God who were examples for us left us in the old year: Albert Schweitzer and Martin Buber. So different, and still in the depth fhuman heart so near to each other through realization of God solidarity with the world and of man's answer to God's call by the accept ance of the unconditional commandment of love to God and man. Both were misunderstood in various ways in their lifetime, but both will remain wit us in the work which they left behind them. In the most important matter of interrelations between the nations the passing year has not fulfilled what it seemed to promise. It was de- clared the year of international cooperation. However, we had to be wit- nesses how the relationes deteriorated and sharpened and the danger of conflict grew. The cold war has again asserted itself through the crusad ing ideology of fanatical anticommunism to which hundreds of thousands were sacrified in the last months. (p.1)