
4°. XXXVI, 347 S. mit Faksimiles. gebundene Ausgabe, Hardcover/Pappeinband, book in good condition, Exemplar in gutem Erhaltungszustand


An Annotated Bibliography (Pendragon Press, 1972) appeared in a completely revised and expanded Second Edition. It contains almost twice as many entries as its predecessor; virtually every one of the original entries has been updated; and the following noteworthy features have been added.1. A second introductory essay detailing trends and innovations in thematic cataloguing brought about by the revolution in technology of the past twenty years. 2. Appendices listing thematic catalogues in series; both by national organizations and publishers; a detailed up-to-date, country-by-country reportof activities worldwide; a listing of major computerized databanks. 3. New double-column format. 4. Numerous illustrations and reproductions of pages from thematic catalogues of historical significance. The second edition continues the policy of listing all known thematic catalogues and indexes, including those in doctoral dissertations, masters essays, and computer databanks, as well as in-progress and unpublished works, plus reviews, and literature aboutthematic cataloguing. Musik 9780918728869 +++++ 30 Jahre Antiquariat Christmann in Wiesbaden +++++ Wir liefern außer nach Deutschland, nur noch nach Schweiz / Holland / Belgien / Italien / GB / USA / +++ We now only deliver to Switzerland / Holland and Belgium / Italy / GB / USA +++ Keine Lieferung nach Österreich ++++