
31 mehrfach gefalt. Kupfertafeln und 2 gefalt. Tabellen. 8°. HLdr. der Zeit mit Rückenschild (etw. bestoßen, Rücken mit hs. Nummer).


Erste deutsche Ausgabe, die Bde. 3 und 4 mit dem Titel "Metallurgische Reisen zur Untersuchung und Beobachtung der vornehmsten Berg- und Hüttenwerke in Schweden, Norwegen, Ungarn, Deutschland, Engelland und Schottland". - Ferchl 258. Poggendorff I, 1192. Koch 86: "Gehört zum Besten, was im 18. Jahrhundert auf dem Gebiete des Steinkohlebergbaues und Eisenhüttenwesens geschrieben wurde". - "... comprehensive and well illustrated treatise on theoretical and practical metallurgy, published posthumously by Gabriel`s brother, M.G. Jars, who had accompanied him on his journey through Belgium, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Germany, England and Scotland. The French government commissioned Antoine Gabriel Jars to visit mines in these countries, studying their techniques and methods. In this way Jars observed the use of coke in melting iron, and he was the first French metallurgist to apply this technology in an experiment, melting copper with coke in 1769. At first his reports to the French government remained unpublished for fear that foreign governments would profit from this specialist knowledge. However in 1769 after his sudden death Jars`s brother began to publish the writings in this first French edition. `Ce livre très estimé, offre, non un itinéraire, mais divers mémoires sur les mines des pays visités par l`auteur: elles sont décrites avec beaucoup d`exactitude; Jars donne leur histoire, les réglements et la forme de leur administration, le mode de leur exploitation ...` (Quérard). The text gives descriptions of mines producing all kinds of metals, the manufacture of azure, white lead, zinc, minium, brass, sulfur, alum, salt, vitriol, bricks, pottery, tiles, coins, etc. The plates show accurate layouts and cross-sections of mines, furnaces, iron and steel works, shafts, mining equipment, plans, and some maps with mining veins indicated" (Minrec). - Vorsätze gestempelt. Leicht gebräunt und stellenw. etw. fleckig.