
22 : 14,5 cm. XXIV, 80 pages, title vignette and a further 20 in-text engravings showing various pieces of culinary equipment . Original cloth with original illustrated dust-jacket.


First trade edition. - One of the first Moorish/Arab recipe books printed. - "The first purpose of this book is to provide, for those Europeans who wish to make Moroccan dishes, the recipes in the most approved and classical manner of Moroccan cooking... How many dishes may be of purely Mauretanian origin it would be hazardous to suggest. Some of them are know to have come from East, among which is the pastry called Treed, which History records as far away as Mecca. It can scarcely be thought rash to surmise this dish to have been introduced into Morocco in the time of Mulai Idris, descendant of the Prophet Mohammed, who fled to Morocco and whose body lies at Fez, the land of his exile. It was he who brought to the West the Mohammedan religion, and may not the faithful Fatima have brought to the Moors the recipe for Treed?" (Foreword). - Some text in Arabic. - A mint copy.