
XXII, 488 p. Paperback.


Binding shows minimal signs of handling, otherwise clean and without annotations. - CONTENTS Gerhard Nickel - A biographical sketch List of publications by Gerhard Nickel Tabula Gratulatoria I. SYNCHRONIC ENGLISH LINGUISTICS Sidney Greenbaum Syntactic devices for compression in English David J. Allerton 'Infinitivitis' in English Kari Sajavaara Control and context Rolf Berndt Some remarks on gerundive nominals in present-day English (intended especially for German learners) Frank R. Palmer 'I had a book stolen' Ekkehard König Subject-operator inversion after negative expressions in English: Semantic aspects of a notorious syntactic problem Peter Erdmann (Non-)inverting negatives in clause-initial position in English Hans Bernhard Drubig On the discourse function of subject verb inversion Jan Firbas On the role of the parts of speech in functional sentence perspective Alfred Schopf The ditransitive clause reconsidered Lienhard Legenhausen Prototypical lexical causatives and transitional relations to non-causatives Kurt Wächtler Beyond the rules of grammar: The case of (the) articles in English Wolf-Dietrich Bald A note on the textual distribution of one Eugene A. Nida The meaning of rhetoric II. HISTORICAL ENGLISH LINGUISTICS Dietrich Nehls On the development of the grammatical category of aspect in English Jürgen Strauß Metaphors and the nominal(ized) style of Old English poetry Josef Klegraf Testing faithful copying in the Beowulf manuscript Winfred P. Lehmann The etymology of larynx III. CONTRASTIVE LINGUISTICS Dwight Bolinger The infinitive as complement of nouns in Spanish and English John L. M. Trim Some contrastive intonated features of British English and German Roger L. Snook A reductive analysis of some temporal relators in English, German, and Netherlandish René Dirven From periphery to nucleus: Some effects of nucleus status (in English and German) Günter Rohdenburg Problems of hierarchical organization and lexical specificity involving compounds and their equivalents in English and German Rüdiger Zimmermann Paraphrase errors and word-formation errors in advanced German learners of English Ruth M. Brend Contrastive remarks on commands and proposals Josef Vachek Some remarks on linguistic signals of emotion in Czech and English IV. APPLIED LINGUISTICS Wolfgang Kühlwein 'Let your science be human': Linguistics as applied linguistics Rudolf Filipovic Contact linguistics: Retrospect-prospect Larry Selinker/Dan Douglas Using discourse domains in creating interlanguage: Context, theory and research methodology Bertil Malmberg Méthode directe et méthode grammaticale des Modistes à L'Encyclopédie [with an abstract in English] Jan Svartvik English prepositions in applied linguistics Leopold K. Engels The effect of spoken and written-to-be-spoken English on word frequency counts of written English Jens-Peter Köster An automatic word recognition procedure and its application to phonetic training V. VARIETIES OF ENGLISH James C. Stalker A discourse model for Standard English James Sledd The myth of the classless and unchanging grapholect Wolfgang Viereck The Channel Islands: An anglicist's no man's land John Spencer Reflections on language and development in tropical Africa. ISBN 9783872766014