
Papers from the Conference "New Research on Late Byzantine Goldsmiths' Works (13th-15th Centuries)" / Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident ; 13.. 187 Seiten : Illustrationen. Orig.-Pp.


Tadelloses Exemplar. Neuwertig. - Englisch und Deutsch. / This volume edited by Antje Bosselmann-Ruickbie comprises thirteen papers from the conference »New Research on Late Byzantine Goldsmiths? Works (13th to 15th Centuries)«, held in the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum in Mainz in October 2015. The contributions primarily deal with the material culture of goldsmiths? works, such as crosses, reliquary caskets, jewellery, enamel works, and precious stones, spanning the wide geographical area of Byzantium and many of its neighbours, from Russia via Trebizond and Serbia to Crete. Furthermore, written sources on Byzantine goldsmiths, their craft and the provenance of precious metals provide evidence for goldsmithing in Byzantium throughout its history. ? Goldsmith works in Byzantium from the 13th to the 15th century ? Late Byzantine jewellery and liturgic objects. / Table of Contents -- Antje Bosselmann-Ruickbie -- Foreword by the editor Andreas Rhoby Gold, Goldsmiths and Goldsmithing in Byzantium -- Paul Hetherington Late Byzantine Enamel: A Period of Transition -- Olga Shashina Two Little-Known Pre-Mongolian Cloisonne -- Enamel Medallions in the -- Moscow Kremlin Armoury Collection: On the Peculiarities of Denominative Inscriptions of the Virgin in the Art of Pre-Mongolian Rus' --Martin Dennert Displaying an Icon: The Mosaic Icon of Saint Demetrios at Sassoferrato and its Frame -- Sabrina Schäfer Neue Forschungen zum Trapezunt-Kästchen und seiner Datierung Anastassios Antonaras Late Byzantine Jewellery from Thessaloniki and its Region: The Finds from Ippodromiou -- Street and Other Excavations Antje Steinert Late Byzantine Accessories and Jewellery: New Thoughts on the Small Finds from Mystras --Jessica Schmidt Darstellungen von Schmuck in der spätbyzantinischen Wandmalerei Kretas Nikos D. Kontogiannis -- Vana Orfanou The Chaicis Treasure: A 14th-15th-Century Hoard from Euboea, Greece - First Thoughts and Preliminary Results -- Holger Kempkens Zur Rezeption westlich-lateinischer Goldschmiedekunst im spätbyzantinischen Kulturraum --Irina A. Sterligova 14th-Century Gold Pendilia on a Byzantine Icon of the Hodegetria from the Moscow Kremlin Museums Vesna Bikie Beyond Jewellery: Archers' Rings in the Medieval Balkans (14th-15th Centuries)-- Martina Horn "The Incredulity of Saint Thomas" on a Byzantine Sapphire from the Cheapside Hoard, London: -- A Proposal for a New Dating to the Palaiologan Period List of Contributors Sigles Used. ISBN 9783795434809