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Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Tautenhahn
Jörg Tautenhahn
Beckergrube 83-85
23552 Lübeck
Ja (Weitere Details)
2 - 7 Werktage
250 Seiten, (2) Bll., 82 Seiten, ii Seiten (Index), (1) Bl. (Verlagsanzeigen), (6) Bll. (vakat), farbig illustrierte OKart., 18,5 x 11 cm.
(= Dutton Everyman Paperback, D47). - Mit einigen wenigen Tabellen im Text. - In englischer Sprache. - "In this vital, explosive book Admiral Rickover shows forcefully and clearly that our educational system has become our first line of defense and that its present failures and shortcomings gravely and directly threaten our national security. He describes the frightening results of our blind allegiance to the tenets of 'progressive education' and emphasizes that only by a prompt reform of our educational philosophy and methods can we maintain our position as a leader of the free world and preserve our very freedom itself. A special feature of this paperback edition [...] is Admiral Rickover's full testimony of August 1959 before the House of Representatives in which he analyzes the Russian educational system as observed and studied by him during his trip to Russia with Vice President Nixon" (New York Times Book Review; Klappentext). - Provenienz: Bibliothek des Journalisten und ZEIT-Herausgebers Theo Sommer (1930-2022; Nachlassexlibris auf der vorderen Umschlaginnenseite). - Der Umschlag berieben und bestoßen, teils lichtrandig, teils knickspurig; der Schnitt mit der zartesten Andeutung von Flecken; sonst gutes Exemplar.