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Fundus-Online GbR
Daniel Borkert/Gilbert Schwarz/Urban Zerfaß
Kurfürstenstr. 14
10785 Berlin
Ja (Weitere Details)
Büchersendung / 1 Buch / book
1 - 3 Werktage
XII, 306 S. Gebundene Ausgabe.
Beitr. teilw. dt., teilw. engl. - Ferial J. Ghazoul (Cairo) The Arab Poet. From the Spokesman of the Tribe to a Tribune of the Dispossessed -- Thomas Bauer (Münster) Religion und Klassisch-Arabische Literatur -- Navid Kermani (Köln) Das Feld des Widerstands. Das Hiob-Motiv im Buch der Leiden von Faridoddin Attar -- Friederike Pannewick (Oslo) Death and the Power of the Word -- Mäher Jarrar (Beirut) The Arabic Novel Carries its Cross and Asks the Son of Man. Iconography of Jesus in some Modern Arabic Novels -- Vahid Behmardi (Beirut) The Madfra of Baghdad versus the Sikbaj of Nishapur. The Migration of a maqama from Arabic to Persian -- Sunil Sharma (Boston) Atiya Begum and the Mystery of the Beloved's Identity in Shibli Numani's Persian ghazah -- Priska Furrer (Bern) Stories behind the History. Affinities among Detective Fiction, Esotericism, and History in Contemporary Turkish Literature -- Doris Ruhe (Greifswald) Which Society's Norms? Francophone Writers in Algeria Facing the Postcolonial Dilemma -- Reuven Snir (Haifa) 'Arabs of the Mosaic Faith'. Jewish Writers in Modern Iraq and the Clash of Narratives after their Immigration to Israel -- Alexandra Nocke (Potsdam) Rewriting Israeliness. Arabs Writing in Hebrew and Jews Writing in Arabic -- Renate Jacobi (Berlin) Layla al-Akhyaliyya - an Umayyad Feminist? -- Sonja Mejcher-Atassi (Beirut) Breaking the Silence. Etel Adnan's Sitt Marie Rose and The Arab Apocalypse -- Mona Takieddine Amyuni (Beirut) Etel Adnan & Hoda Barakat. De-Centered Perspectives, Subversive Voices -- Ash Niyazioglu (Istanbul) The Sixteenth-Century Ottoman Poet in Réclusion (cuzlet -- Ken Seigneurie (Beirut) The Importance of Being Kawabata. The Narratee in Today's Literature of Commitment -- Leslie Tramontini (Freiburg) "Wenn je dein Himmel mich einengte, o Vaterland." Nationalistische Dichter im revolutionären Irak 1920 -- Barbara Winckler (Berlin) Utopische Kriegslandschaften. Sélim Nassib, Huda Barakat und die Debatte um den Wiederaufbau des Beiruter Stadtzentrums -- Andreas Pflitsch (Berlin) Familienbande. Erinnerungspanoramen in drei nahöstlichen Generationenromanen. ISBN 9783895005183