
85 S., 1 Bl. 8°. OLwd. (gebräunt, Gebrssprn., Rückenschild defekt).


(= Die Romane des XX. Jahrhunderts). - Erste Ausgabe. - W.-G. 7. Raabe 146, 7. - Der Sammelband "Ein Hungerkünstler" erschien Ende August 1924 als letztes Buch Kafkas. Es enthält neben der titelgebenden Erzählung "Ein Hungerkünstler" die Kurzgeschichten "Erstes Leid", "Eine kleine Frau" und "Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse". - "Ein Hungerkünstler" is a short story by Franz Kafka first published in Die neue Rundschau in 1922. The story was also included in the collection A Hunger Artist (Ein Hungerkünstler), the last book Kafka prepared for publication, which was printed by Verlag Die Schmiede shortly after his death. The protagonist, a hunger artist who experiences the decline in appreciation of his craft, is typically Kafkaesque: an individual marginalized and victimized by society at large. `A Hunger Artist` explores themes such as death, art, isolation, asceticism, spiritual poverty, futility, personal failure and the corruption of human relationships. The title of the story has also been translated as `A Fasting Artist` and `A Starvation Artist`." (Wikipedia Abruf vom 24.11.2023). - Gebräunt. Unbeschnitten. S. 40 - 41 fleckig sonst nur gering. fleckig. Vorsatz mit hs. Initialen V. P. in Bleistift. Buchblock minimal angebrochen.