
xi (1), 136 Seiten, OKart., 23 x 15 cm.


2. Druck. - (= Studies in Defense Policy). - "U.S. forces currently committed to the defense of Western Europe are not positioned or organized to counter the most likely threat - a short, intense war. Explaining why this is so, the authors of this paper examine the possibility of devising, within the framework of existing force levels both at home and abroad, an alternative U.S. conventional force structure in NATO" (Klappentext). - In englischer Sprache. - Provenienz: Bibliothek des Journalisten und ZEIT-Herausgebers Theo Sommer (1930-2022; Nachlassexlibris auf der vorderen Umschlaginnenseite). - Der Umschlag etwas gebräunt; gutes Exemplar.