
New York 1955. Roter Leinenband der Zeit mit geprägtem Rückentitel.


Vorhanden sind die Kataloge: Bibliographies, books about books, first editions, books on bookbinding, printing, arts and crafts. Property of Mrs Clara Smith Wolfe, estate of the late Mrs Charles D. Draper and other owners. Sale 1561. Januar 11 and 12. 90 (statt 92?) S. (es fehlt das letzte Blatt). - Rare Americana of the XVI-XIX century including books, broadsides, newspapers, almanacs and english literature of the XVII-XIX century including the Second, Third and Fourth Folios of Shakespeare. Collected by the late Andre de Coppet. Sale 1570. February 16. Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen. 125 S. (348 Positionen). - Medieval illuminated manuscripts, early printed Books of Hours, incunabula (etc.) Collected by the late Reverend Morgan Dix. Together with property of the late Mildred B. Vanderbilt. Sale 1574. February 16. Mit Abbildungen. 122 S. (481 Positionen). - Autograph checks and franked envelopes of the Presidents of the United States. Washington to Truman. Their cabinets, members of the Continental Congress and some of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and autograph letters of Mary Todd Lincoln, presidential campaign, mourning and other badges etc. The famed collection formed by the late Edward Stern. Sale 1578. March 15. Mit Abbildungen. 67 S. (306 Positionen; mit Würdigung des Sammlers im Vowort). - American and british first editions and other books on various subjects, presidential & other autographs. Sold by order of George T. Barker ... and other owners. Sale 1583. March 29 and 30. 95 S. (599 Positionen). - Alle Kataloge mit (recht wilden) Einträgen der Zuschläge und auch teilweise der Käufer.