
Folio (ca. 33 x 27 cm). Mit 1 Tafel. 19 SS. OBr. (Umschlag gestempelt, fleckig und angestaubt. Rücken mit kleinen Läsuren.Unbeschnitten und tlw. unaufgeschnitten).


Gerald Edwin Hamilton Barrett-Hamilton (1871 - 1914) was a British / Irish natural historian, co-author with M. A. C. Hinton of A History of British Mammals, which remained "the most thorough, accurate and scientific publication" on British mammals until the 1950s. He died on 17 January 1914 of pneumonia following a heart attack on South Georgia Island in the South Antarctic whilst leading a British Government investigation into the whale and seal fisheries there.- Innenumschlag mit Bibl.-Schildchen. Papier leicht gebräunt.