
Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a Letter from the Chief of Engineers, Report of Survey for a Bridge across the Eastern Branch of Potomac River (Anacostia River). December 10, 1897.. 8°. Mit 2 gef. Karten u. 1 gef. Tafel. 9 SS. Br. mit Rückenfalz (guter Erhaltungszustand).


With: 1) Proposed Bridge ... in line with Massachusetts Avenue ... Map showing relative position of the Bridge (ca. 25 x 50 cm), 2) Proposed Bridge ... General Map (ca. 29 x 59 cm), 3) Proposed Bridge across the Eastern Branch of the Potomac River ... Survey authorized and directed by Act of Feb. 17 1897 - Elevation and Plan (ca. 32 x 114 cm).