
4°. Mit 119 Tafeln und 11 Textabbildungen. 616 SS., 2 Bll. Ldr. d. Zt. mit goldgepr. Rsch. (lädiert, stark beschabt und bestoßen, angestaubt, fleckig, Deckel gestempelt).


"58th Congress, 3d Session. House of Representatives Doc. No. 475".- Contents: "The Triassic Flora. The Older Mesozoic of Arizona. The Jurassic Flora. The Jurassic Flora of Oregon. The Jurassic Flora of Douglas County, Oreg., by William M. Fontaine. Other Plant-Bearing Beds in the Jurassic, or forming the Transition to the Lower Cretaceous. Jurassic Cycads from Wyoming. The Cretaceous Flora. Lower Cretaceous Flora of Queen Charlotte Islands. Flora of the Shasta Formation. Flora of the Lakota Formation of the Black Hills. Flora of the Older Potomac Formation. Correlation of the Potomac Formation.