
Gr.-8°. Mit 13 mehrf. gef. Karten. 1 Bl., 18 SS. Ln. d. Zt. mit goldgepr. Rsch. (angestaubt, etw. beschabt, Deckel gestempelt).


"68D Congress, 3d Session. House of Representatives, Doc. No. 1223".- Contents: "Preliminary examination of Mississippi River. Survey of Mississippi River" etc.- With maps (choice): "Survey of Mississippi River ... prepared under the direction of Lieut. Col. Francis R. Shunk. Survey of the Mississippi River ... Chart No. 246 ... Made in 1898 & 1900. Survey of the Mississippi River ... Chart No. 247 ... Made in 1898 & 1900. Survey of the Mississippi River ... Chart No. 248 ... Made in 1898 & 1900" etc.