
xiv Seiten, 1 Bl., 256 Seiten, OLn., OU., 23,5 x 15 cm.


"We have had enough experience to know that the new system in Europe has effectively performed its basic tasks for its member states - survival and maintenance of peace - for three decades. This gives some reason to believe that its essential structures and functions, if tended and kept responsive to changing conditions, will remain much as they are in the absence of some truly significant shift in the power relationships of the member states which underlie the system" (DePorte; Klappentext). - Provenienz: Bibliothek des Journalisten und ZEIT-Herausgebers Theo Sommer (1930-2022; Nachlassexlibris auf dem vorderen Spiegel). - Der Schutzumschlag etwas gebräunt und angerändert; gutes Exemplar.