
xvii, 1269 S., 24cm Leinen


Zustand: iullustrierter Leineneinband, an den Ecken berieben, sonst sehr gut --- Inhalt: Although the Earth was formed, together with the other planets, at the birth of the solar system, geological activity has since erased all but a hint of the processes that accompanied its formation. If we wish to explore the processes that occurred in the earliest solar system, and the nature of the environment in which they took place, we must turn to the record contained in more primitive material. Many meteorites appear to satisfy that criterion, and much effort has been applied during the past twenty years or so in identifying those meteorites, or their constituents, that have retained a reliable record of the early solar system. This book provides a synthesis of what has been learned so far about the earliest stages of solar system history through the study of meteorites, and what, given our current level of understanding, remains to be learned. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Source Regions 3. Secondary Processing 4. Irradiation Effects 5. Solar System Chronology 6. Chondrites and the Early Solar System 7. Elemental Composition of Chondrites 8. Magnetic Fields in the Early Solar System 9. Chondrules 10. Primitive Material Surviving in chondrites 11. Micrometeorites 12. Inhomogencity of the Nebula 13. Survival of Presolar Material in Meteorites 14. Nucleosynthesis 15. Nucleocosmochronology 16. Summary KK-PS24-5 ISBN: 0816510636
