98.00 EUR (kostenfreier Versand)
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98.00 EUR
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Verkauf durch:
Fundus-Online GbR
Daniel Borkert/Gilbert Schwarz/Urban Zerfaß
Kurfürstenstr. 14
10785 Berlin
Ja (Weitere Details)
Paket / DHL-Paket
1 - 3 Werktage
Ca. 70 Seiten; durchgehend farbig illustriert (großformatige Farb-Fotografien); 42 cm; kart. / mit farb. illustr. OUmschlag.
Gutes Exemplar; Einband stw. minimalst berieben. - Opulenter Bildband mit großformatigen Farbfotos / Erotische Fotografie und Porträts. - Vorwort von Jennifer Allen. - Mario Testino (* 30. Oktober 1954 in Lima, Peru) ist peruanischer Porträt- und Modefotograf, der in London lebt. Laut ZEIT ist er der "wohl bekannteste Modefotograf der Welt." ? Mario Testino arbeitet vor allem für bedeutende Modemagazine wie Vogue oder Vanity Fair. Weiterhin hat er schon für fast alle großen Modelabels Kampagnen fotografiert. Dazu gehört beispielsweise das Label Versace. Hier zeichnete Testino sich u. a. 1994 für eine Kampagne mit Popsängerin Madonna verantwortlich. Eine weitere bekannte Fotostrecke von Testino wurde im Jahr 1997 von dem Magazin Vanity Fair veröffentlicht. Es handelte sich dabei um eine Coverstory über Prinzessin Diana. Die Aufnahmen wurden später auch - in Zusammenhang mit einer im November 2005 eröffneten Ausstellung im Kensington Palace - als Buch veröffentlicht.Campari verpflichtete Mario Testino, für den Firmenkalender 2009 den Hollywood-Star Jessica Alba in 12 verschiedenen Motiven abzulichten. Für Testino ist es bereits die zweite Arbeit für Campari: 2007 stand Salma Hayek als Kalendermotiv für den Fotografen vor der Linse. ? (wiki) // ? Renting studios is a trend that began with my generation because we travelled so much.' On-location was no longer the exception but became the norm for the nomadic photographer, who learnt to adapt to changing studio environments. Rather than exporting the English style he had mastered in London, Testino used his travels throughout the eighties to extend his training and to sharpen his eye. 'By renting different spaces and working with different people -from the fashion editors to the hair dressers, make-up artists and photographic assistants - I exposed myself to so much: every fashion, every city, every point of view. The more you see, the more discerning you become.' Instead of perfecting one technique and one style, Testino became a master of many. 'It took me a long time - studio, location, colour, black-and-white, men, women - but I loved it all. My photographs are always charged with sex, but I find different ways to express that sexual energy.' Testino became a chameleon, able to adapt his approach not only to new clients and locations but also to new fashions. 'Some photographers cultivate one signature style. Consider Helmut Newton, who had a precise idea of how a woman should look. When grunge came in, the Helmut Newton picture went out of style.Ten years later, everyone was desperate for the glamour of his photographs. There are times for grunge and times for glamour. Sometimes people need icons; sometimes, they need to be entertained. Fashion photography is all about adaptation. A photographer must be able to change as quickly as the times and the fashions themselves.' In the babel of styles and trends, Testino has used his professional itinerary to compile his own personal lexicon, which translates the meaning of the term 'fashion' from one country to the next. 'England taught me about eccentricity, exaggeration and individuality,' recalls Testino. 'When I was invited to work in the United States, I quickly realised that American fashion was about reality. American magazines needed to satisfy a consumer, who could be anyone and everyone. I couldn't use an eccentric idea because the photographs had to appeal to a broad range of people.' After American realism,Testino encountered yet another realist approach in Italy, 'I learnt how to make an idea become commercial. In England, it doesn't matter if an idea reaches more than ten people. But in Italy, there is an industry which transforms ideas into products, at once highly sophisticated and sellable. A trend must be visually translated into a convention.' At the beginning of the nineties, Testino began to spend more time in Paris. 'France is all about elegance. ? (Jennifer Allen) / FOTOS (Auswahl) : Catherine, London 2007 // Gisele, NY 2007 // Natalia, Paris 2002 // Kate with Choker, Cannes 2001 // Elton (John) and Elizabeth, London 2002 // Sunset Boulevard Beverly Hills, 1999 // Pool Party Rio de Janeiro, 2000 // Fernanda, Rio de Janeiro, 2007 // Kate at Mine, London 2006 // Stephanie, NY, 2007 -- (u.v.a.) ISBN 9780979227738