
CXXXVII, 422 Columns. Cloth.


Ein sehr gutes und sauberes Exemplar ohne Anstreichungen / An excellent copy without annotations. - CONTENTS. PART 1: HISTORICAL ACCOUNT. CHAPTER I. Early connection of Theatrical Productions in Germany and England. ? German travellers in London and their relation to the Theatres. ? English Actors go to Germany and other Foreign Countries. The places visited by them CHAPTER II. English Actors at the Court of Duke Henry Julius of Brunswick. ? The Plays composed under their influence by the Duke. ? English Actors at the Court of Landgrave Maurice of Hesse. ? Other places visited by them towards the end of the Sixteenth Century CHAPTER III. Jacob Ayrer and the Plays composed by him under the influence of English Actors CHAPTER IV. An account of the English Comedians in Germany and the Netherlands in the Seventeenth Century . . CHAPTER V. The Plays acted by the English Comedians PART II: TEXTS. Comedy of the Beautiful Sidea, by Jacob Ayrer of Nuremberg (about 1595), the only drama extant which points to the plot of Shakespeare?s Tempest [See also Part I, p. Ixviii]. Comedy of the Beautiful Phaenicia, by Jacob Ayrer of Nuremberg (about 1595), containing the plot of Shakespeare?s Much ado about Nothing [See also Part I, p. Ixxi]. Tragedy of Julius and Hyppolita, acted in Germany about the year 1600 by English Players, containing part of the plot of Shakespeare?s Two Gentlemen of Verona [See also Part I, p. cxi]. Tragedy of Titus Andronicus, acted in Germany about the year 1600 by English Players, supposed to be an imitation of the old Titus Andronicus - [See also Part I, p. cxii]. Tragedy of Fratricide punished, or Prince Hamlet of Denmark, acted in Germany about the year 1603 by English Players [See also Part I, p. cxx]. Iragedy of Romeo and Juliet, acted in Germany in (and perhaps before) the year 1629 by English Players. [See also Part I, p. cxxiii].