
xv, (5) Seiten (Kartenmaterial), 586 Seiten, (1) Bl. (vakat), (16) Tafeln, farbig illustrierte OKart., 23 x 15 cm.


Mit insgesamt 36 Farbphotographien auf den 16 Tafeln. - In englischer Sprache. - "Based on hundreds of interviews in the United States, Pakistan, India, Israel, Europe, and Southeast Asia, 'Deception' is a masterwork of reportage and dramatic storytelling by two of the world's most resourceful investigative journalists. It is the most complete account of Pakistan's clandestine nuclear network as it has extended from Islamabad around the world, and chronicles how A[bdul] Q[adeer] Khan's operation and his ultimate fall from grace are part of a much larger deceit. [...] 'Deception' puts the current standoffs with Iran and North Korea in a startling new perspective, and makes clear two things: that Pakistan, far from being an ally, is a rogue nation at the epicenter of world destabilization; and that the complicity of the United States has ushered in a new nuclear winter" (aus dem Klappentext). - Provenienz: Bibliothek des Journalisten und ZEIT-Herausgebers Theo Sommer (1930-2022; Nachlassexlibris auf der vorderen Umschlaginnenseite). - Etwas bestoßen; Papier geringfügig nachgedunkelt; sonst und insgesamt gutes Exemplar.