
3 Titel und 190 (statt 204) Tafeln (alles in Kupferstich). Gr.-4°. Spätere HLdr. (lädiert).


Neuauflage der Ausgabe von 1684 mit geänderten Titeln (teils aber noch mit alten Datierungen). - "Giovanni Battista Montano (1534?1621) was an Italian architect, designer and engraver of primary importance as a recorder of Antique Roman architectural remains. ... Montano`s work influenced some of the most important Baroque artists of Rome, including Francesco Borromini, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, and Pietro da Cortona. His influence can be seen in Cortona`s Santi Luca e Martina and in the façade of Bernini`s Sant`Andrea al Quirinale. ... Montano`s designs of archaeological reconstructions had a great influence throughout Europe and lasted until the eighteenth century" (Wikipedia Abruf vom 01.08.2023). - "The titles on the five title pages are: I. `Architettura Con Diversi Ornamenti Cavati Dall`Antico ... Libro Primo`; II. `Libro Secondo Scielta D. Varii Tempietti Antichi Con le Piante et Alzatte, Desegnati in Prospettiva ... `; III. `Raccolta De Tempii, E Sepolcri Disegnate Dall`Antico ... Libro Terzo`; IV. `Diversi Ornamenti Capricciosi Per Depositi O Altari Ultilissimi a Virtuosi ... Libro Quarto`; V. `Tabernacoli Diversi novamente inventati ... Libro Quinto`. - Montano combined the skills of woodcarver, sculptor, architect, provider of architectural models and lecturer on architecture. Much of his energy was devoted to making drawings of antiquities in and around Rome - some of which were adapted later by Serlio, Palladio, Duperac, Pirro Ligorio and Peruzzi. (These drawings are now in Milan, London (Soane Museum, V&A), Oxford (Ashmolean), Edinburgh (National Gallery) and Berlin.) Some of the drawings were published between 1624 and 1638 by Soria, C. Ferrante and B. de` Rossi; and in 1684 the single volumes were republished in a collected edition. Baglione has named only Soria and Vincenzo della Greca as Montano`s pupils, but the influence of his designs for tabernacles, ground-plans and elevations has been traced in the work of Cortona, Bernini and especially Borromini" (Royal Academy) - Zur Kollation: 1 Gesamttitel, 1 Titel, 1 Porträt, Tafel Nr. 3 bis 42, 1 Titel, 1 Porträt, Tafel 1 bis 48, 1 Titel (mit Nr. 1), Tafel Nr. 2 bis 49 (ohne 47), Titel, Tafel 1 bis 40 (ohne 6, 14, 16, 20, 25, 29, 33, 35,39), Titel (mit Nr. 1), Tafel 2 bis 25. - Der Gesamttitel, der Titel zu Teil 1 und das Porträt von Giovanni Battista Montano beschnitten und alt montiert. Buchblock etw. angebrochen. Etw. gebräunt und leicht fleckig, verso teils alte hs. Notizen. Vereinzelte minimale Randläsuren (ohne Bildverlust).