35.00 EUR zzgl. 4.00 EUR Versand
Preis inkl. Versand:
39.00 EUR
Alle Preisangaben inkl. USt
Verkauf durch:
Antiquariat Tautenhahn
Jörg Tautenhahn
Beckergrube 83-85
23552 Lübeck
Ja (Weitere Details)
2 - 7 Werktage
240 Seiten, OPpbd., 25,5 x 21 cm.
Reich illustrierter Band über Sperrholz als Design-Material und Baumaterial. - In englischer Sprache. - "Plywood is an astonishingly versatile material, made by gluing together layers of cross-grained veneers, creating a pliable board that can be stronger than solid wood. Stylish and practical, plywood offers huge possibilities for experimental design, and it has been used to make a wide range of products, from aeroplanes, boats and automobiles to architecture and furniture. This book traces the history of plywood from its use in 18th-century furniture, through its emergence as an industrial product in the 19th century, to a material celebrated by 20th-century modernists such as Alvar Aalto and Charles and Ray Eames. An ideal material for the digital age, plywood has become popular again in recent years and is widely used in contemporary design and manufacture. Christopher Wilk is Keeper of the Furniture, Textiles and Fashion Department at the Victoria and Albert Museum" (Klappentext). - Provenienz: Der Band stammt aus der Bibliothek des Designpublizisten und Designhistorikers Jo Klatt (1937-2022; kleines typografisches Nachlassexlibris auf dem vorderen Spiegel). - Minimal bestoßen; gutes Exemplar.