
xiii, 304 Seiten ; 25 cm Originalleinen


Neuwertig erhalten, brand new as issued. Contents Preface and Acknowledgements^vii Abbreviations ? À÷ Introduction ? 1 Reading Nietzsche?s Ph.lo s o _ ? l Reading Nietzsche?s Published and Unpublished Writings ? 12 Reading Nietzsche?s Project throgh the Ancient G.k Chapter One Becoming, Being, and the Problem of Opposites in Philosophytn the Tragic Age of the Greeks? 3(. 1.1 Introduction ? 34 1.2 Tragic Philosophy in The Birth ofTragedy? 36 1.3 A Turn to Philosophy .·n the TragicAge ofthe Greeks?m?39 1.4 Nietzsche?s Doctrine of Heraclitean Becoming in the Secondary Literature ? 44 1.4.1 Christoph Cox on Heraditean Becoming ? A5 1.4.2 John Richardson on Heraclitean Becoming ? 50 1.5 Heracl.tean Becoming in Philosophyin the Tragic Age ofthe Greeks ? 5. 1.6 The Response of Nietzsche?s Parmenides to Nietzsche?s Heraclitus ? 63 1.7 A Rebirth of Antiquity? ? 67 Chapter Two Aristotle?s Defense of the Principle of Non-Contradiction in Metaphysics IV? 75 91 Introduction ? 75 2.2 Nietzsche?s Critique of Loge ? 78 2.3 An Overview of Aristotle?s Defense of the Principle of Non- Contradictio ? 83 2.4 Three Formulations of the Principle of Non.Contradiction in Metaphysics IV ? 84 2.5 Aristotle?s Elenctic Defense ? 88 2.6 The Devastating Consequences of Denying PNC-Ontological ? 94 2.7 Empiricism, Naturalism, and the Denial of PNC-Ontological ? 102 2.8 Aristotle?s Critique of the Heraclitean-Cratylean Theory of Change ? 104 2.9 Aristotle?s Critique of Protagoras on Perception ? 108 2.10 Some Concluding Remarks ? 114 Chapter Three Naturalism?CBecoming?Cand the Unity of Opposites .?Å Human, All Too Human . 116 3.1 Introduction. 116 3-2 Maudemarie Clarkon the Falsification Thesis . 119 3.3 Natural Science?CHeraclitean Ontology, and the Falsification Thesis . 123 3.4 Natural Science and Heraclitean Ontology .n The Pre-Platonic Philosophersm. 128 3.5 A Turn to Human, AH Too Human . 130 3.6 Natural Science and Heraclitean Ontology in Human, All Too Human 1 -2 ^. 135 3.7 Heraclitean Ontology and the Falsification Thesis in Human?CAll Too Human . i. ?Z 3.8 The Tragic Philosophy of Human, All Too Human . 1^7 3.9 Human, All Too Human and the Development of the Free Spirit . 150 Chapter Four Heraclitean Becoming and Protagorean Perspectivism in Plato?Cs Theaetetus . 153 4.1 Introduction. 153 4.2 justifying the Turn to Plato?fs Theaetetus . 156 4.3 Knowledge js Perception and the FourTheses . 158 4.4 Knowledge is Perception . 161 4.5 From Knowledge .s Perception to Protagoras?f Homo Mensura^.162 4.6 From Homo Mensura to the Secret Doctrines of Heraclitus . 164 4.7 A Preliminary Account of Perception and a Puzzle . 168 ?X.8 Heraclitean Ontology and a Secret Theory of Perception . 170 4.9 The Final stage of the Secret Doctrine . 175 4.10 Some Preliminary Objections to Protagoras. Homo Mensuro . 178 4.11 Protagoras?f Homo Mensura and the Problem ofSelf-Refutation . 181 4.12 The Incompatibility of Heraclitean Ontology and Knowledge is Perception . 189 ?X.13 The Refutation of Knowledge is Perception _ 1 9 2 4.14 Some Concluding Remarks . 195 Chapter Five Heracl.tean Becoming, Protagorean Perspectivism, and the Will to Power in Beyond Good andEvil. 198 5.1 Introduction . 198 5.2 Nietzsche?fs Perspectivism in the Secondary Literature . 202 5.3 Perspectivism in Gustav Teichmiille^s Die wirkliche und die scheinbare Welt. 210 5.4 Nietzsche?s Perspectivism .n The Gay Science and On the Genealogy of Morals ? 21. 5.5 Some Preliminary Remarks on Beyond Good and £w./ ? 220 5.6 Heraclitean Ontology and the Falsification Thesis in Beyond Good and Evil ? 222 5.7 Heraclitean Ontology and Protagorean Perspectivism ¡n Beyond Good and Evil ? 232 5.8 Heraclitean Ontology and the Will to Power .n Beyond Good and Ev.l?. l. . 5.9 Reading the Will to Power through the Ancient Greeks ? 260 Epilogue Five Prefaces to Five Unwritten Books on Nietzsche?s Published Works ? 265 Introduction ? 265 Preface I: Thus Spoke Zarathustra as the Rebirth of Tragedy? 266 Preface II: The Birth ofTragedyaná Its Shadow? - 268 Preface 111: The Works of the Free Spirit and the Music-Playing Socrates ? 269 Preface IV: The Dionysian Comedy of Nietzsche?s 1888 Works ? 271 Preface V: The Revaluation of Values and Dionysus versus the Crucified ? 273 Concluding Remarks ? 276 Appendix The Periodization of Nietzsche?s Works ? 277 Bibliography ? 279 Index? 297 ISBN 9781934078419