
Ca. 110 n. n. Seiten. Mit zahlreichen meist grossformatigen u. farbigen Abbildungen. Farbig illustrierte Originalbroschur. (Gering randgebräunt). 30x21 cm


* Itchiku Kubota war ein japanischer Textilkünstler. Er war am bekanntesten für die Wiederbelebung und teilweise Neuerfindung einer ansonsten verloren gegangenen Textilfärbetechnik aus dem späten 15. bis frühen 16. Jahrhundert, bekannt als Tsujigahana, die zum Hauptfokus für einen Großteil seines Lebenswerks wurde. (Quelle Wikipedia) ----- Itchiku Kubota was born in Kanda, Tokyo, in 1917, the son of an antique dealer. Kubota grew up in an environment rich with opportunities to view traditional Japanese art: the neighbourhood in which he lived was filled with dye workshops. In 1931, at the age of 14, Kubota left school to become the apprentice of Kobayashi Kiyoshi, a Tokyo-based kimono artist who specialized in hand-painted yuzen dyework (a paste resist-dyeing technique). Kubota also studied other techniques for decorating fabrics, as well as Japanese-style landscape painting and portraiture. By the age of 19, he had established a dye studio of his own. Kubota first saw a fragment of fabric dyed in the tsujigahana style at the age of 20 in the Tokyo National Museum. The tsujigahana technique would go on to become the main focus of much of his life's work (Quelle Wikipedia)