
1st Edition 43 S. ; 20cm Leineneinband


Zustand: OLeineneinband berieben, Papier gebräunt, moderne Schrifttype --- Inhalt: zweisprachig englisch, deutsch. Bilingual edition "Idea of a new Anatomy of the Brain; submitted for the observations of his friends, by Charles Bell, F.R.S.E. - Idee einer neuen Hirnanatomie, seinen Freunden zur Begutachtung unterbreitet von Charles, Bell, F.R.S.E. Bell`s law, "the Bell`sche Lehrsatz of J.Müller (1931), the Lex Belliana of G.Valentin (1939), the Bell`sche Lehre of J.W. Arnold (1844), and the Bell-Magendie Law of Sherrington (1900), is based on his discovery of one-way traffic in the nerves, just as the discovery of the circulation of the blood presupposes the existence of one-way traffic in the blood vessels. The law is exemplified in the composition of the spinal nerves, where the `way in` is represented by the dorsal or sensory root and the `way out` by the ventral or motor root. This fundamental discovery of the distinction between sensory and motor nerves has been justly compared with the discovery of the circulation of the blood by Harvey, and it is claimed for both Charles Bell in 1811 and Francois Magendie in 1822. " F.J. Cole, Bell`s Law. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 11, No. 2 (Mar., 1955), pp. 222-227. KK