
A visualisation by means of ethnographic objects of non-western elements, with which tropical doctors were confronted during their stay; Catalogue of the exhibition on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Dutch Society for Tropical Medicine in co-operation with the Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam.. 119 p.: Ill. Paperback.


Lediglich die Boschur ist minimal berieben. Sonst aber ein sehr gutes und sauberes Exemplar. Der Text wurde sowohl in Englisch, als auch Niederländische verfasst/ Only the boschur is minimally rubbed. Otherwise a very good and clean copy. The text was written in both English and Dutch/ Alleen de boschur is minimaal gewreven. Verder een zeer goed en schoon exemplaar. De tekst is zowel in het Engels als in het Nederlands geschreven. - Images of power is an exhibition, organized to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Dutch Society of Tropical Medicine. Next to the attention for tropical doctors in general, the exhibition focuses on their encounter with very different, often exotic ideas and concepts in mainly Africa. It is about the magic thinking of disease, of (in)fertility or in fact of all matters in life, that depend on fate. Power and ill fate ask for counteraction or exorcism and need to be averted by opposing powers using images, rituals, charms, ceremonies, etc. The exhibition is aiming at just that world of ideas using materials from former tropical doctors. The ethnographic objects reflect the fascination of tropical doctors with african culture. CONTENT: I The tropical doctor and native traditions II The tropical doctor and native ways to fight against illness III A confrontation with fertility and symbolism related to fertility IV Albert Schweitzer colourered. ISBN 9789090112312