
ix, 290 (1) Seiten, OPpbd., 29,5 x 21 cm.


(= Cingula 12). - Themen u.a.: the North Gallic tribes and the discussion about their ethnicity; basic levels of tribal organization, the power basis of the elite; different levels of religious organization; gods and goddesses; clut places; votive offerings; metal finds from rivers and their interpretation; crop cultivation, animal husbandry, circulation of gold, celtic coins and their sociocultural interpretation, development of coin circulation in North Gaul; gold in celtic societies, gold coins and their function, general distribution of gold coins, the Gallic wars and the consequences for native gold circulation; Mediterranean trade contacts; archaeological data; settlements and settlement patterns; fortified settlements; morturary rites; detribalization and integration into the Roman Empire. - In englischer Sprache. - Minimal bestoßen; gutes, gepflegtes Exemplar.