
Hardcover with dust jacket. -


Der Einband und die Seiten sind Papierbedingt minimal gebräunt. Sonst ein sehr gutes und sauberes Exemplar/ The binding and pages are minimally browned due to paper. Otherwise a very good and clean copy. - Architecture in Sweden 1984-89 is a guide to new Swedish architecture. In more than 400 illustrations the book presents 120 buildings completed during the past five years. The selection includes the very best of contemporary architecture, but also the most provocative and innovative pieces ? in short, everything worth visiting. With its exhaustive index, covering the 20th century, the book is also excellent reading for those seeking an overview of modern Swedish architecture. Arkitektur i Sverige 1984-1989 Architecture in Sweden 1984-1989 Götaland Southern Sweden Svealand Central Sweden Stockholmsregionen The Stockholm Region Centrala Stockholm Stockholm City Norrland Northern Sweden. ISBN 9789186050214