
194 S. Mit zahlr. auch farb. Abb. Broschiert.


Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar aus dem Vorbesitz des Ethnologen und langjährigen Kurators der Afrika-Sammlung der Berliner Völkerkundemuseen (Stichwort Benin) Hans-Joachim Koloß mit einer privaten Geschenkwidmung an ihn. . - Like many large projects, this one grew out of a small observation. I noticed that people in our galleries rarely looked at the sculptures on display from more than one angle. They looked at three dimensional objects as if they were looking at paintings, or perhaps reliefs that could be appreciated from a single point. Museums generally assume that the audience knows how to look, and proceed directly to an explanation of the work. It seemed worthwhile to suspend the explanations for the moment, and to take a close look at looking. ISBN 0945802080