
6 Heftchen. Jeweils mit 18 Seiten u. zahlreichen s/w Comic-Strips. Teils farbig illustrierte Originalumschläge. (Papier teils etwas wellig). Querformat 7x12,5 cm


* Heftchen "Der Abstauber" zweimal vorhanden. "Es gibt nu einen Weg in den Himmel" ---- Jack Thomas Chick war ein amerikanischer Karikaturist und Verleger, der vor allem für seine fundamentalistischen christlichen ?Chick-Trakte? bekannt war. Er drückte seine Perspektive zu einer Vielzahl von Themen durch sequenzielle Kunstmoralspiele aus. (Quelle Wikipedia) --- Jack Thomas Chick (April 13, 1924 ? October 23, 2016) was an American cartoonist and publisher, best known for his fundamentalist Christian "Chick tracts". He expressed his perspective on a variety of issues through sequential-art morality plays. Many of his tracts accused Roman Catholics, Freemasons, Muslims, and many other groups of murder and conspiracies. His comics have been described by Robert Ito, in Los Angeles magazine, as "equal parts hate literature and fire-and-brimstone sermonizing". Chick's views have been spread mostly through the tracts and, more recently, online. His company, Chick Publications, says it has sold over 750 million tracts, comics tracts and comic books, videos, books, and posters designed to promote Evangelical Protestantism from a Christian fundamentalist perspective. They have been translated into more than 100 languages. Chick was an Independent Baptist who followed a premillennial dispensationalist view of the End Times. He was a believer in the King James Only movement, which posits that every English translation of the Bible more recent than 1611 promotes heresy or immorality.Chick Publications released over twenty-three full-color "Chick comics" since its founding. They are full-size comic books, and most were first published between 1974 and 1985. The first eleven form the Crusader comics series, which follows the stories of two fundamentalist Christians and addresses topics such as the occult, Bible prophecy, and the theory of evolution. Chick Publications also distributes "Chick tracts", small comic tracts with religious messages. Most of these can be viewed in their entirety on the company's website. The most popular Chick tract was "This Was Your Life!". It has been translated into around 100 languages, and many other tracts are available in widely spoken languages such as Arabic, German, Spanish, and Tagalog. Several of Chick's tracts have been translated into less widely-spoken languages as Blue Hmong, Huichol, Ngiemboon, Tshiluba, and the constructed language of Esperanto. (Quelle Wikipedia)