
222 p. Paperback.


Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar / A good and clean copy. - Contents Maciej Czeremski, Karol Zielinski Introduction: Under the pressure of worldview. Maciej Czeremski Myth - its characteristics and worldview-shaping function - a cognitive perspective. Jakub Bohuszewicz A hypothesis of the shared origin of shamanism and schizophrenia in light of the Psychomental complex ofthe Tungus by S. M. Shirokogoroff Malgorzata Zadka Sensorial and cognitive motivation of Attic vase decoration . Karol Zielinski The flexibility of traditional norms in the perspective of changes in oral narratives The case of Homer. Gregor Pobezin Rome as context: myth, history and narrative . Slawomir Torbus Literary independence of Matthew: - and the oral tradition Andrzej Szyjewski The formation of a world model in the formative period of Tolkien?s mythology Marko Marincic Lost empires, blurred world-views, shifting genres: Theodor Haecker and ' ' century scholarship on Virgil?s humanitas . Izabella Malej Dancing with thoughts: Nikolai Berdyaev?s dialectical model of worldview expression Elzbieta Przybyl-Sadowska Worldviews and images. Controversy over the use of sacred symbols and images in the social space of contemporary Poland Agnieszka Libura Intcrgenerational relationships in multimodal Internet humour Tlie case of binary memes Biograms. ISBN 9783447117869