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Fundus-Online GbR
Daniel Borkert/Gilbert Schwarz/Urban Zerfaß
Kurfürstenstr. 14
10785 Berlin
Ja (Weitere Details)
Büchersendung / 1 Buch / book
1 - 3 Werktage
Ca. 150 Seiten; A4-Format; in Ringhefter.
Gutes Exemplar. - Private Kopie / UNIKAT. - 12 Artikel in Deutsch und tls. Englisch. - Irma Brenman Pick (born 1934) is a South African-born British psychologist and psychoanalyst known for her work on countertransference. She served as the president of the British Psychoanalytical Society from 1997 to 2000. ... (wiki, engl.) -- INHALT : 1. Pick, Irma On Stealing Clinical Notes on Three Adolescent Boys Journal of Child Psychotherapy ---- Journal of Child Psychotherapy 2:1,67-79, (1967) ---- 2. Brenman Pick, Irma Male sexuality: A Clinical Study of Forces that Impede Development Int J Psycho-Anal 66, 415 (1985) ---- 3. Brenman Pick, Irma Breakdown in Communication: On Unding the child in the analysis of an adult Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Vol 1 NO 2, 57-62, (1985) ---- 4. Brenman-Pick, Irma: Adolescence: Its Impact on Patient und Analyst Int. Rev Psycho-Anal 15,187-194 (1988) ---- 5. Brenman Pick, Irma The Emergence of Early Object Relations in the Psychoanalytic Setting. Aus Clinical Lectures on Klein and Bion . New Library of Psychoanalysis, 14:24-33 (1992) ---- 6. Brenman-Pick, Irma Durcharbeiten in der Gegenübertragung ---- In Normale Gegenübertragung und mögliche Abweichungen Hg Claudia Frank Hein Weiß 2003 und in Melanie Klein Heute Band 2, 1998- ---- 7. Brenman-Pick, Irma Zorn-eine der sieben Todsünden ---- Zur Arbeitsweise des Gewissens im Individuum und Gesellschaft In "Die klugen Sinne pflegend" Hermann Beland zu Ehren, Hg Gutwinski-Jeggle, Jutta, edition discord 1993 ---- 8. Brenman-Pick, Irma Concern: Spurious or real ---- Vortrag University College Conference on Trends in Modern Kleinian Thought: Depression and Depressive Position, London Psychoanalysis Unit, 1993 ---- 9. Brenman Pick, Irma Analysing real issues in the analysand's life. ---- Scand. Psychoanal. Rev., 18:131-145 (1995) ---- 10. Brenman Pick, Irma Dangling in uncertainty Vortrag Conference on Uncertainty, The Melanie Klein Trust 2002, London. Brunei Gallery of the School of Oriental Studies ---- 11. Brenman-Pick, Irma Dinge zusammenbringen? Vortrag Psychoanalytische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stuttgart- Tübingen 2006 ---- 12. Brenman-Pick, Irma Reflections on Envy and Gratitude aus Envy and Gratitude Revisited Hg Priscilla Roth, Alessandra Lemma 2008 Überlegungen zu Neid und Dankbarkeit Dt Antje Vaihinger, Juli 2009 Und Kurzfassung als Vortrag.