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Verkauf durch:
Fundus-Online GbR
Daniel Borkert/Gilbert Schwarz/Urban Zerfaß
Kurfürstenstr. 14
10785 Berlin
Ja (Weitere Details)
Büchersendung / 1 Buch / book
1 - 3 Werktage
296 Seiten : 34 Illustrationen ; 21 cm x 14.8 cm, 454 g gebundener Originalpappband
Sehr sauber und frisch erhalten, keinerlei Einträge. As new. Stefanie Frisch and Jutta Rymarczyk Introduction ................................................................................................. 11 Part I: Assessing reading, spelling, and writing Jutta Rymarczyk Teachers? diagnostic skills in feedback on German primary school students? first attempts to spell in English..................................................25 Stefanie Frisch, Carsten Breul, Barbel Diehr, Claudia Kastens, and Annette Becker Developing and assessing reading comprehension in primary learners of English as a foreign language ................................................... 53 Katharina Karges, Malgorzata Barras, and Peter Lenz Assessing young language learners? receptive skills: Should we ask the questions in the language of schooling? ...................................... 83 Ruth Triib and Stefan D. Keller Conceptualising and measuring writing in English as a Foreign Language at primary school .................................................................... 113 Sandie Mourao, Carolyn Leslie, Maria Alfredo Moreira, and Estela Monteiro Battling against a traditional assessment culture: The case of early English learning in Portugal........................................................... 139 Part II: Fostering reading, spelling, and writing Gee Macrory ?Commas in the air?: Young children?s experiences of learning the orthographies of French and Spanish as a foreign language................ 169 Annika Kolb Story apps - new ways in teaching reading in primary EFL? ...Julia Reckermann and Karoline Wirbatz EFL reading in CLIL and non-CLIL primary schools: A comparison of classroom reading activities, learners? preferences and actual reading comprehension competences.................................... 217 Karen Glaser Scaffolding creative writing in the primary EFL classroom: Exploring the role of picture dictionaries and composition guidelines in the creation of Elfchen poems...................... 257 List of authors ISBN 9783631817117