
91 Seiten; zahlr. Illustr. (Farbfotografie); 25 cm; kart.


Gutes Exemplar; der farb. illustr. Einband stw. minimalst berieben. - Japanisch und Englisch. - INHALT / Kapitel: Preface; Yangtze Three Gorges; Wushan; Goddess Stream; Wu Gorge; Memory Image; Industrious Wushan People; Postscript. - ... Song kaiping, one of these local photographers, is the photographer of this picture book. He is the very essence of the Three Gorges man. He used to be a teacher, a movie man, a painter, a government official as well as a general manager in a company. He has dedicated all his spare time to the Three Gorges and his photography career. He works alone around the Three Gorges, using the camera to study the three Gorges and his own life. He has taken many fantastic pictures during his hard work. Many times, he went hungry, encountered terrible weather, and once almost lost his life. He loves the Three Gorges very much and has totally dedicated his youth and life into it. In one word, he is part of the Three Gorges. In Mr. song' s eyes, the Three Gorges are divine. The Three Gorges are close to his heart. To him the Three Gorges are pure beauty and alive. He is very disciplined with his picture-taking. His masterpieces arc very much appreciated. The Three Gorges are multi-faceted. He can understand them from many perspectives. From Mr. Song' s photography, you may enjoy the Three Gorges' beautiful scenery, taste its rich folk customs, understand its great changes, and feel its people s spirits ... (Vorwort) // The Yangtze Three Gorges extends from White King Town in Fengjie County, Chongqing City to Nanjingguan Pass in Yichang City, consisting of Qutang Gorge, Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge, with a full length of 192 km. It gets the essence of the scenery on the Yangtze River. As a unique landscape of China, it has been displaying its special charm for thousands of years. Inside the gorge region, the peaks tower into the sky, the steep cliffs face one another, and the jagged rocks are of grotesque shapes. The Qutang Gorge is magnificent, the Wu Gorge is elegant, and the Xiling Gorge is perilous. The unique climate of the gorge region produces rare scenes of different weather. The rain and clouds of Mt. Wushan are very changeable and colorful. In other words, the change is unpredictable just as it is described in an ancient poem: "Having been to a vast sea, one will never think much of the water in a river, and one will find no clouds attractive comparing them with those of the Wushan Mountain ... (S. 1) ISBN 9787512205499