
XVIII, 316 Seiten : 52 Illustrationen ; gebundener Originalpappband


Sehr sauber und frisch erhalten, keinerlei Einträge. List of Illustrations ix Acknowledgements xvii Introduction i part I Collage?s Interrelations: Text, Geography and Materiality 21 DAVID RAGNAR NELSON i City of Paper: The Materiality of Montage in Alfred Doblin?s Berlin Alexanderplatz (1929) 23 ASTRID VON ASTEN 2 ?I Was Haunted by the Idea of Doing Something Absolute?: Hans Arp, Pioneer of Non-Objective Collage 49 part 11 Collage and Appropriation 87 BRETT M. VAN HOESEN 3 Colonial Botany and the Collages of Max Ernst 89 ANA MARIA GOMEZ LOPEZ 4 Fossils and Clippings as Odds and Ends: Johannes Weigelt?s Elusive Photomontages in Nazi Germany part in Defining and Re-Defining Collage in a Postwar Context 145 ADRIAN SUDHALTER 5 Collage as Symbolic Form: Margaret Miller, College and the ?Dislocations of War? 147 MICHAEL WHITE 6 Montage Reassembled: Dada in the Postwar Archive 195 part IV Collage and Corporeality 219 OONA LOCHNER 7 Cutting Across Lines: Lil Picard and the Reorienting Effects of Collage 221 LISA LEE 8 Thomas Hirschhorn and the Incommensurable Gesture 253 Bibliography 279 Notes on Contributors 297 Index ISBN 9781789971729