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28.00 EUR
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Verkauf durch:
Fundus-Online GbR
Daniel Borkert/Gilbert Schwarz/Urban Zerfaß
Kurfürstenstr. 14
10785 Berlin
Ja (Weitere Details)
Büchersendung / 1 Buch / book
1 - 3 Werktage
95 Seiten; zahlr. Illustrationen (auch farbig); viele Anzeigen; graph. Darst.; 30,5 cm; klammergehefteter, farb. illustr. Orig.-Pappband.
Gutes Exemplar; leichte Gebrauchs- und Lagerspuren; Einband mit kl. Läsuren. - Englisch. - Mit vielen (auch farbigen) Anzeigen. - Hawaii's illustrated monthly magazine, established in 1888, under the sponsorship of King Kalakaua. Published by Paradise of the Pacific, Ltd., 424 S. Beretania St., P.O. Box 80, Honolulu 10. Entered as second class matter July 1, 1903, at the Postoffice, Honolulu Hawaii, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price, $4.00 per year, including the annual holiday number. Eileen McCann O'Brien, Editor. (IMPRESSUM) // INHALT : Editorials. ---- New Horizons in the Pacific. ---- S. G. Walton ---- Hawaiian Airlines Looks to the Future. ---- Earl Welty ---- Soldier and a Juke Box. ---- Willard Wilson ---- The Year in Retrospect. ---- Lorna Arlen ---- Scientists and Hawaii's Sugar. ---- Ken Carney ---- Bacchic Zoology. ---- Irving Tuwnsend ---- "Father of Hawaiian Music". ---- Jane L. Winne ---- Ancient Lore in Modern Hawaiian Jewelry. ---- George H. Moody ---- Rescue Mission: Honolulu. ---- Lloyd Stone ---- Prelude to Invasion of the Marshall Islands. ---- Lorna Arlen ---- Pronouncing Hawaii's Place Names. ---- Henry P. Judd ---- "This is Bud.. ". ---- Vol. A. Howard ---- The Christmas Cactus and Its Relatives. ---- Marie C. Neal ---- Stopover at Christmas. ---- D. L.Emblen ---- Hawaii's Nurses Aides. ---- Marjorie G. Sullivan ---- "The World's Most Beautiful People". ---- Madge Tennent ---- Victoria. ---- Kathleen Dickenson Mellen Father Joseph and the Ellice Islands. ---- University of Hawaii Looks Toward Asia. ---- Gregg M. Sinclair ---- Kamehameha Highway with Rain (Poem). ---- D. L. Emblen ---- Apamama, Jewel of the Gilberts. ---- Labor Shortage Grows More Acute. ---- Newton R. Holtomb ---- Hawaii's Pineapple Industry. ---- Music in the Islands. ---- Dr. F. Bernard Schultz ---- Demise (Poem). ---- Robert Price ---- A Christmas Letter Home. ---- David A. Benz ---- "You Don't Have to Come Back". ---- Lt. Clarence L. Hodge, USCGR ---- How Hawaii's Thousands Are Fed. ---- Ernest R. May ---- Mother. ---- Francesca Hawes ---- How Do You Say Hawaii?. ---- Charles W. Kenn ---- What Is Home Service?. ---- Bcrnice B. Schultz ---- Christmas Contrasts in the Pacific. ---- Alengi Ezell ---- Anything to Read?. ---- M illy Lou Donnelly ---- The Seven-League Seventh. ---- Maj. Gen. Robert W. Douglass ---- A Trip through Maui's House of the Sun. ---- Photographs by James Cunningham ---- The History of Hawaii in World War II. ---- Major V. M. Culver (Ret.) ---- Mighty Men in Kauai Legend. ---- Ethel M. Damon ---- A Generation of Koreans in Hawaii. ---- Alice R. Appenzeller ---- Love Returns (Poem). ---- Katherine Lackey ---- Haven for Wounded Pacific Veterans. ---- Eileen O'Brien New Book by Dr. Jaggar. ---- U. S. Marines Who "Fight and Write". ---- Roy Cummings ---- "A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody". ---- Ellen Davis ---- Naniloa Hotel Lanai (Poem). ---- William W. Goodman ---- Sports Fans' Dreams Come True. ---- Blues Romeo ---- Boom in War Bonds. ---- Great White Bird (Poem). ---- Juliet Rice ---- Old Dolphin Clock. ---- Grace Tower Warren ---- Some Facts About Hawaii.