
292 S. , Sondereinband


Fresh and clean copy in good condition. Frisches und sauberes Exemplar in gutem Zustand. TABLE OF CONTENTS - Walter Dostal: Editor's Preface - I. SOCIAL EVOLUTION - A Regional Studies - Johanna Broda: The Rise of Class Society, Ideology and Social Change in Prehispanic Mesoamerica - Rodolfo Fattovich: Remarks on the Dynamics of State Formation in Ancient Egypt - Maurice Bloch: Religion and the Development of Classes. The Recovery of Ideology - B General Studies - Talal Asad: Primitive States and the Reproduction of Production Relations: Some Problems in Marxist Anthropology - Klaus Eder: On the Cultural Origins and the Historical Formation of the Traditional State: Some Theoretical Considerations - Andre Gingrich: Beyond the Periphery - Walter Dostal : Socio-Economic Formations and Maltiple Evolution - Khurizio Tosi : Paleoeconomical Perspectives for the Use of the Archaeological Evidence in the Study of the Early State and the Formation of the Relative Surplus - II. PROBLEMS OF RENT CAPITALISM - Bert G. Fragner: "Rent Capitalism" in the Light of the Economic History of Islamic Iran - Walter Dostal: Squire and Peasant in Tarim. A Study of "Rent Capitalism" in Southern Arabia - Andre Gingrich: Craftsmen, Merchants, and Islamic City - III. ANNEX: TRANSLITERATION OF ARABIC AND OTHER TERMS ISBN 38502815911