
363 Seiten; graph. Darst.; 30 cm; kart. / PVC-Umschlag.


Gutes Ex.; Einband berieben; innen stw. geringe Anmerkungen (Bleistift) / aus der Afrika-Bibliothek von Hans-Joachim Koloss; Völkerkunde-Museum Berlin. - Als Typoskript gedruckt. - Englisch. - Tonga (eine Person Mutonga, mehrere Personen, gesamte Ethnie Batonga) heißen eine bantusprachige Ethnie im Süden Sambias und im Norden der Nachbarländer Simbabwe und Botswana und eine weitere ethnische Gruppe, die im Norden Malawis lebt. ... (wiki) // INHALT : Communicating the message ---- The coining of the white men and the creation of a metaphor ---- The practice of the mission ---- Missionary evangelism ---- The ministry of healing ---- The school as church, the church as school ---- The gospel of work ---- The building of the Methodist Church ---- The quest for understanding ---- Conceptual contexts ---- The widening horizon ---- From communal ritual to individual understanding ---- The creation of Christian morality ---- The re-arrangement of Tonga cosmology ---- The concept of God ---- God iti Tonga religion ---- The Christian re-interpretation of God/Leza ---- Jesus Christ and the mizimu ---- Neglected spirits ---- The divided cosmos and the personification of the evil ---- B The sociology of conversion ---- Age and gender ---- Revolting youth ---- Ambivalent women ---- Experienced men ---- The growth of the Christian community ---- The new Christian family ---- Strained family relations ---- The establishment of a Christian group identity ---- Political implications ---- The changing world ---- Resettlement and Independence ---- The resettlement ---- From colonial rule to Independent Zambia ---- Living in a new environment ---- The reordering of family relations ---- The changing village community ---- A new village economy ---- Social change and the domain of the spirits ---- The cult of the ancestors ---- The cult of the basangu ---- Living in fear: witchcraft and medicines ---- Struggling with alien forces ---- From the missionary Church to indigenous Christianity ---- The end of the missionary era ---- The unpopular missionary ---- The creation of the United Church of Zambia ---- The reordering of Church life ---- The collapse of the missionary Church ---- The development of UCZ Church life ---- The free market of Christianity ---- The search for religious identity ---- Living in between two worlds ---- Contemporary rural Christianity ---- Rural UCZ congregations and membership identity ---- Coping with religious pluralism ---- The communication of Christian thought ---- The quest for salvation: Christian morality and eschatology ---- The attraction of the Christian way of life ---- The things to come - (u.a.m.)