
XXXII; 87 Seiten; 21,5 cm; kart.


Gutes Exemplar. - Aus der Bibliothek von Prof Wolfgang Haase, langjährigem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) - Englisch; Griechisch. - Theophrastos von Eresos (griechisch Theóphrastos; * um 371 v. Chr. zu Eresos auf der Insel Lesbos; ? um 287 v. Chr. in Athen), deutsch auch Theophrast, war ein griechischer Philosoph und Naturforscher. Er war ein bedeutender Schüler des Aristoteles und als dessen Nachfolger Leiter der peripatetischen Schule. ... (wiki) // The present work owes its origin to the editors' belief that, in attempting to establish the text of a work so difficult as the Metaphysica, careful regard should be paid to the oldest known MS., the Vindobonensis. This MS. was for some reason neglected even in the valuable edition of the late Hermann Usener. The editors had hoped that a recollation of Usener's MSS., together with a collation of the Vindobonensis and of all the late MSS., might result in a clear understanding of their interrelations and might thus give a firm basis for reconstituting the text on other than eclectic principles. In this hope they have been to some extent disappointed, though it does indeed appear that Usener's MSS. are not fairly representative of the tradition. The text as here given, the English translation, the greater part of the Introduction, and all the Commentary are the work of Mr. Ross; for that part of the Introduction which deals with the MSS., for the apparatus criticus, and for the Indexes Mr. Fobes is responsible. ... (Vorwort) // INHALT : INTRODUCTION. ----- TEXT AND TRANSLATION. COMMENTARY. ----- INDEXES ----- Index verborum. ----- Index to the Introduction and Commentary.