
xvi Seiten, 1 Bl., Seiten 303-600, OPpbd., 23,5 x 16 cm.


Der Band enthält die beiden Großkapitel "Models and Physics of the Atomic Nucleus" und "Conservation Laws and Fundamental Particles". - Themen u.a.: the shell model of spherical nucleus; single particle states observed using transfer reactions; nuclear spectroscopy; the concept of coherent state; the compound nucleus model; parametrization of a resonance; overview of nuclear reactions; some features of heavy-ion induced reactions; parity and related questions; meaasurement of neutrino helicitiy; strangeness and strang particles; isospin formalism; isospin coupling; classification of particles; the mathematical tool. - In englischer Sprache. - Minimal berieben und bestoßen; gutes Exemplar.