
XI; 160 Seiten; 24 cm; fadengeh. Orig.-Pappband m. illustr. OUmschlag.


Ein gutes Exemplar. - Englisch. - Konrad Talmont-Kaminski (born 1 January 1971 in Chojnice, Poland) is an analytic philosopher and cognitive scientist, dealing with epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind and the theory of rationality. His work is also influenced by psychology, biology, history, anthropology and other disciplines. ... (wiki, engl.). - "A philosophical naturalist's delight, this book - crisply written and carefully argued - weaves together insights about evolution, mind, and society to explain how religions work and how secularisation threatens them." - ROBERT N. Mccauley, Emory University / Religion as Magical Ideology examines the relationship between rationality and supernatural beliefs arguing that such beliefs are products of evolution, cognition and culture. The book does not offer a false rapprochement between reason and religion; instead, it explores their interrelationship as a series of complex adaptations between cognitive and cultural processes. Exploring the nature of the tension between religious traditions and reason, Religion as Magical Ideology develops a dual inheritance theory of religion and analyses the connection between the function of a belief and the degree of protection it gets from potential counter-evidence. With discussion ranging from individual cognitive mechanisms, general functional considerations, to the limits of evolutionary and cognitive processes, the book offers readers a systematic account of how cognition shapes religious beliefs and practices. ? (Verlagstext) // INHALT : Acknowledgements ------ Introduction ------ Superstitious reeds ------ The superempirical ------ Magic as cognitive by-product ------ Religion as magical ideology ------ Religion as ancestral trait ------ Bibliography ------ Index.