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69.00 EUR
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Verkauf durch:
Fundus-Online GbR
Daniel Borkert/Gilbert Schwarz/Urban Zerfaß
Kurfürstenstr. 14
10785 Berlin
Ja (Weitere Details)
Paket / DHL-Paket
1 - 3 Werktage
XII; 606 S.; viele Illustr.; graph. Darst.; 24 cm; fadengeh. Orig.-Pappband.
Gebrauchs- und Lagerspuren; Einband fragmentarisch / beiliegend; Seiten minimal nachgedunkelt u. unaufgeschnitten; erstes Blatt mit Exlibris ("Bibliotheca Dr. Herbert Tischner"). - Englisch. - Aus der Bibliothek von Dr. H. J. Koloß, Völkerkundemuseum Berlin. - Eric von Rosen (gewidmet). - Die Kamba oder Akamba sind eine bantusprachige Volksgruppe und leben in den halbtrockenen Gebieten der Ostprovinz Kenias. Ihr Siedlungsgebiet erstreckt sich von Nairobi bis Tsavo. Im Norden reicht ihr Gebiet bis Embu, im Süden bis zur tansanischen Grenze. Dieses Land wird als Ukamba, das Land der Kamba, bezeichnet. ... (wiki) // Karl Gerhard Lindblom (geb. 26. August 1887; gest. 8. Juni 1969) war ein schwedischer Ethnograph, Afrikanist und Hochschullehrer, der in den 1910er Jahren in Britisch-Ostafrika arbeitete. Er schrieb verschiedene Werke über die Akamba (Kamba). ... (wiki) // INHALT : Introduction. ----- Chap. I. The Akamba - their country and neighbours. ----- Geographical extension. ----- Earlier dwelling-places and kinship. ----- The neighbours of the Akamba. ----- Ukamba. The main features of its physical geography. ----- Individual life. ----- Chap. II. Child-birth. ----- General Customs. ----- Abnormal parturition. ----- Abortion. ----- Appendix. Customs and rites connected with menstruation. ----- Chap. III. Circumcision and initiation rites. ----- The real circumcision. ----- "The great circumcision". ----- "The circumcision of the men". ----- The occurrence of secret initiation rites and secret societies ----- in these parls of East Africa. ----- Chap. IV. Marriage. ----- General Customs. ----- Special Cases. ----- Polygamy. ----- Divorce. ----- Widows and the fatherless. ----- Statistics of Families. ----- Chap. V. Relations between persons connected by marriage ----- The conception of ndoni. ----- Taboo of names. ----- Avoidance between a man and his daughter-in-law or daughter ----- Chap. VI. Terms of relationship. : ----- Chap. VII. Death. ----- Burial. ----- Purification after a death. ----- P. II. Sociology. Chap. VIII. The Clan system and Totemism ----- The Kamba clans and their totems. ----- The relations between a person and his totem ----- side of the totem system). ----- Relations between persons of the same tote ----- social side of the totem system). ----- Further peculiarities of particular clans. ----- The admission of individuals to a clan. ----- The taboo-ing and worship of animals of non-totem ----- Rudiments of a matriarchal community. ----- The Clan marks. ----- Clan marks on cattle, b. Clan marks on irr c. Clan marks on beehives. ----- List of clans and their totems collected by the wd ----- The origin of the totem system among the ----- Fictitious Relationship. ----- A. Among the Akamba themselves. ----- B. With individuals of another tribe. ----- Chap. IX. Social organisation. ----- Age- and Rank-Classes. ----- Chap. X. Government and administration. ----- Chap. XI. The administration of the law and customs. ----- Criminal law. ----- Bloodmoney and blood-vengeance. ----- Adultery etc. ----- Theft. ----- Punishments for other crimes. ----- Civil cases. ----- Law of inheritance. ----- Land tenure. ----- Tttpltiu and the taking of oaths over it. ----- Ornaments. ----- Hairdressing, treatment of the beard and of hair on ---- parts of the body. ----- Perfuming and painting of the body. ----- Cicatrization and tattooing. ----- Teeth-chipping and extraction. ----- Chap. XXII. Music and dancing. ----- Musical instruments. ----- Dancing. ----- Religious dancing. ----- Song. ----- Chap. XXIII. Toys and games. ----- P. V. Economy. ----- Chap. XXIV. The village and the hut. ----- The village. ----- The hut. ----- Rites and customs in connection with hutbuilding Hutbuilding for the medicine man. ----- Home life. ----- Chap. XXV. Weapons. ----- Chap. XXVI. Hunting. ----- Elephant hunting. ----- Traps. ----- Chap. XXVII. Domestic animals. ----- Myths about the origin of cattle. ----- Cattle-breeding. ----- Other domestic animals. ----- Names for domestic animals in the Kamba language ----- Rites connected with cattle-breeding. ----- Rites for twin-birth among cattle. ----- Cattle diseases. ----- Chap. XXVIII. Beekeeping. ----- Chap. XXIX. Agriculture. ----- The fieldwork and the harvest. ----- Agricultural rites. ----- (u.v.a.)