
8°. XVIII, 364 pp. 24 pp. (Verlagsanz.) mit 8 ganzs. Taf. (dav. 1 Frontisp.) u. zahlr. Holzstich- Ill. im Text. /xviii, [1 leaf], 364. with half-title. 8 wood-engraved plates (incl. frontisp.) & numerous wood-engraved text illustr. OLn. mit Rücken u. Deckelprägung. / Orig. cloth. Kapitale u. Kanten etwas berieben, mit Gebrauchsspuren, Ecken leicht bestoßen, Vorsatzpapier in den Gelenken etwas brüchig, Spiegel mit Exlibris, hint. Spiegel mit Buchbinderetikett "Bound by W. Bone & Son. Fleet St. London". /edges rubbed, minor foxing. EA.


Henze, I, 397 - Erstausgabe der Reisebeschreibung von Frederick William Burbrigde (1847-1905). Burbridge war Botaniker und "bereiste 1877-79, hauptsächlich zur Bereicherung der Veitchen Pfanzensammlung von Chelsea, die NW-Küste Borneos [...] und den Sulu-Archipel" (Henze). "The noted English botanist, formerly of the Royal Gardens at Kew, was sent by Messrs. Veitch to collect plant specimens in Borneo in 1877. He spent two years in the east, also visting Singapore, Jahore, Kina Balu, Labuan Island, Brunei, and the Sulu Islands, and brought back many remarkable plants, especially pitcher-plants, orchids, and ferns, the most outstanding being the Giant Pitcher Plant of Kina Balu ('Nepenthes Rajah'). The first set of the dried specimens which he brought back numbered nearly a thousand species and was presented by Messrs. Veitch to the Kew herbarium. Burbidge's narrative includes remarks on Chinese settlers, gambling, head-hunting, river-side gardening, coal mining, tropical fruits, wild animals, manners and customs of the natives, the Sultan Moumein, a royal boar-hunt with the Sultan of the Sulus, notes on tropical travel, &c., as well as descriptions of plant-hunting". (Casey Wood p. 272)