
XL; 357 Seiten; 23,5 cm; goldgepr. Orig.-Leinenband.


Sehr gutes, Exemplar; Einband stw. minimalst berieben. - Englisch. - Hans Robert Jauß, auch Hansrobert, Hans-Robert, bzw. Jauss (* 12. Dezember 1921 in Göppingen; ? 1. März 1997 in Konstanz) war ein deutscher Romanist und Literaturwissenschaftler. Schwerpunkte der Forschungen von Hans Robert Jauss waren die mittelalterliche und moderne französische Literatur, die Gattungstheorie, Historik und Ästhetik. Er war sowohl Mitbegründer des Werkes Grundriß der romanischen Literaturen des Mittelalters als auch der Forschungsgruppe Poetik und Hermeneutik (1963). Als einer der Begründer der Rezeptionsästhetik war er Vertreter der Konstanzer Schule der Literaturwissenschaft. 1980 wurde Jauß Mitglied der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften. ... (wiki) // INHALT : Introduction by Wlad Godzich - A Note on the Translation - Preface - A. Sketch of a Theory and History of Aesthetic Experience 3 - What does aesthetic experience mean? 3 - Critique of Adorno's aesthetics of negativity - Aesthetic pleasure and the fundamental experiences of poiesis, aesthesis, and catharsis - The ambiguity and the refractoriness of the beautiful - a backward glance at a Platonic legacy - Poiesis: the productive side of aesthetic experience (construire et connaitre) - Aesthesis: the receptive side of aesthetic experience (voirplus de choses qu'on n'en sait) - Catharsis: the communicative efficacy of aesthetic experience (movere et conciliare) - Aesthetic experience among the problems of everyday life: problems of delimitation - a) Delimiting the ridiculous and the comic - b) Sociological and aesthetic role concept - c) The religious origin and aesthetic emancipation of individuality - B. Interaction Patterns of Identification with the Hero - On the demarcation of the primary levels of aesthetic identification - Historical explanation of the interaction patterns - a) Associative identification - b) Admiring identification - c) Sympathetic identification - d) Cathartic identification - e) Ironic identification - C. On Why the Comic Hero Amuses - The comic hero seen negatively - and positively (laughing about and laughing with) - The deflation of the classical ideal of the hero in the - Vergil travesty of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries - The Rabelaisian hero as a figure of grotesque life - The comic of a one-sided - portrayal of human nature (humor) - The comic of innocence-the - innocence of the comic (Dickens's comic hero) - D. On the Question of the "Structural Unity" of Older and Modern Lyric Poetry - (Theophile de Viau: Ode III; Baudelaire: Le Cygne) - On the debate over Hugo - Friedrich's theory of modern lyric poetry - The modernity of the classical - in Gide's selection from the Maison de Silvie - Theophile's ode in the horizon - of experience of Baroque lyric poetry - Baudelaire's renunciation of - Platonism and the poetics of remembrance - Lyric poetry as "dream of a world in which things would be different" (postscript 1977) - E. La douceur du foyer: Lyric Poetry of the Year - 1857 as a Model for the Communication of Social Norms - From the image-fields of the poem - to the communicative function of the lyric - Synchronic analysis of a lyrically represented subuniverse: La douceur du foyer - The social function of the lyric experience and its communications system in the life world of 1857. ISBN 0816610037