
XXV, 366 / X, 415 S. / p. Originalleinen / Cloth.


Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langjährigem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - unbeschnitten, altersgemäß sehr guter Zustand / uncut, otherwise perfect condition - NOTE - In 1718 a folio edition of Prior?s poems was published by subscription, containing all the poems previously issued by him which he wished to acknowledge and preserve, carefully revised, and accompanied by others then printed for the first time. This folio was issued in three sizes. It will be remembered that a passage in Prior?s will runs thus :? To the College of St. John the Evangelist, in Cambridge, I leave Such and so many of my Books, as shall be judged to amount unto the Value of Two Hundred Pounds : These Books, with my own Poems in the greatest Paper, to be kept in the Library, together with the Books which I have already given.? Of these eighteenth-century examples of large-paper issues Mr Austin Dobson remarks, ? with the small copy of 1718, Johnson might have knocked down Osborne the bookseller; with the same work in its tallest form....Osborne the bookseller might have laid prostrate the ? Great Lexicographer ? himself.? Those who have seen the ? greatest ? copy will not doubt the truth of this statement. Desirous of being suitably equipped in this ? Battle of the Books,? I have used a medium copy as the basis of the present text, a copy measuring 16 3/8 ins. 10 3/4 ins. Even this is a handsome folio, with engraved initial letters, head-pieces and tail-pieces, of the usual mythological nature. ? The Names of the Subscribers ? who received the volume in 1719 in exchange for some four thousand guineas are duly given. These names occupy twenty double-columned pages, and it did not seem desirable to reprint them here. The Reverend Dr Peter Drelincourt, Dean 0/Armagh, known to students of Defoe, in connection with ?The Apparition of Mrs Veal,? is a subscriber ; William Congreve, Esq., Sir Godfrey Kneller, Bar., Sir Isaac Newton, each take a copy, and so does Alexander Pope, Esq.; while Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St. Patricks, Dublin, subscribes for ? Five Books,' and, low down on the list, appears the name of Sir John Vanbrugh, architect and dramatist. -- Two or three previous collections of Prior?s poems had appeared. In 1707 a volume entitled ?Poems on Several Occasions: consisting of Odes, Satyrs and Epistles; With some Select Translations and Imitations] was published bearing the imprint, ? London: Printed for R. Burrough, and J. Baker, at the Sun and Moon in Cornhill, and E. Curll, at the Peacock without Temple-Bar] with three lines from Roscommon on the titlepage: -- ? Be not too Rigidly Censorious; -- A String may Jarr, in the Best Master s Hand, And the most Skilful Archer miss his Aim.' -- Its Contents are given in the Appendix to the present edition (p. 362). Two years later, Prior published a volume of ? Poems on Several Occasions. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, within Grays-Inn Gate next Grays-Inn Lane,? in the Preface to which, referring to the issue of 1707, he says: ? a Collection of Poems has lately appeared under my Name, tho' 'without my Knowledge, in which the Publisher has given me the Honour of some Things that did not belong to me, and has Transcribed others so imperfectly, that I hardly knew them to be mine.'