
Ca. 100 Seiten;


Gutes Ex. - Programmheft mit Beilage. - Englisch; Italienisch. - PRIMA GIORNATA --- Friday, 13th October 2006 Venerdi 13 Ottobre 2006 --- Welcome address Benvenuto agli ospiti Franco Zacchello, Chair Ped. Dep't Judith Mitrani, Chair FTMT Marco La Scala, President CVP --- Introduction Introduzione ai lavori Chiara Cattelan --- Plenary Session Sessione Plenaria --- Chair Persons Moderatori Renata Gaddini, Theodore Mitrani --- When language is used as an "Autistic Object": problems in achieving communication --- Quando il linguaggio e utilizzato come un "Oggetto Autistico' problemi nel raggiungere la possibility di comunicare Anne Alvarez --- Discussant --- JoAnn Culbert Koehn --- Plenary Session Sessione Plenaria --- Chair Person Moderatore: Paul Barrows --- Technical implications of Tustin's work for the analytic --- treatment of autistic states in adults --- Implicazioni tecniche del lavoro di Tustin nel trattamento --- analitico degli stati autistici negli adulti --- Judith Mitrani --- Discussant Maria Rhode --- SECONDA GIORNATA --- Saturday, 14th October 2006 Sabato 14 Ottobre 2006 --- Plenary Session Sessione Plenaria --- Chair Person Moderatore Enrico Levis --- Autistic barriers as a defence against sharing psychic space Barriere autistiche come difesa contro la condivisione dello spazio psichico Didier Houzel --- Discussant Suzanne Maiello --- Plenary Session Sessione Plenaria --- Chair Person Moderatore Fiorella Monti --- On intentionality of the newborn, starting with an --- autobiographical consideration by Frances Tustin, in the --- light of Infant Observation and the treatment of autistic --- children --- SuU'intenzionalita del neonato a partire da una riflessione --- autobiografica di Frances Tustin, alia luce dell'Infant --- Observation e della terapia dei bambini autistici --- Dina Vallino with con Maria Pagliarani and e Simona Nissim --- Discussant: --- Daniela Scotto di Fasano --- TERZA GIORNATA --- Sunday, 15th October 2006 Domenica 15 Ottobre 2006 --- Plenary Session Sessione Plenaria --- Chair Person Moderatore Luigi Boccanegra --- Reflections on autism and psychosis Riflessioni su autismo e psicosi Salomon Resnik --- Discussant Theodore Mitrani --- Round table Tavola rotonda --- Chair Person Moderatore Vincenzo Bonaminio --- How to continue: ideas for the future Come proseguire: idee per il futuro Kate Barrows Giuliana De Astis Giovanni Hautmann Bianca Lechevalier --- Summary Conclusioni Judith Mitrani.